Yup, as they say, it's a done deal. All the papers are signed and the farm is ours. The wall will be fixed to our satisfaction with a negotiated escrow account paying for it. We are pinching ourselves trying to believe it has all happened. And so DURN FAST!
The first thing we did was unload the beds and then had to set them up. We have done this many times with this particular bed. But we were operating on little food, and an overdose of adrenalin from all the excitement of the day. Nevertheless, it got assembled and then the bed was made.
Not so fast! I have a new bed of my own upstairs that had to get assembled. This required finding the drill and a bit to screw in about 32 screws. Worth it, worth it, worth it!! What a great night's sleep I had, under my new pink sheets and my hand quilted quilt.
Yup, I hand quilted and machine pieced this baby way back in the late 80's. First time on a bed!
After a hot shower I plopped into bed and never moved once, exhausted and happy.
At 4:30am, precisely, the biggest rooster began crowing and we were up. The flock spent the night perched on the potting shed roof. They quiet down at dusk and seem frozen in place. I'll have a picture soon.
O Wait! I am now in the motel, picking up Popeye, and am taking advantage of their internet connection. It will no doubt be days before I get dsl connected at home. Home! Hahhahaha!
So back to the day on the farm. At 5:45am Farmer Dave had the ramps in place and backed the mower off the truck. We are ready to work.
Thanks for all your prayers, which I know did the trick. We are SOOOOOO HAPPPPPPYYY!!