Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Make Me a Quilt : Karen

Green Gray Cruciform
Hand dyed cottons, fused, hand and machine quilted. 11.75"x11.0125"

This little darling was a bit of a challenge, to say the least. Since Karen chose her favorite quilts from my repertoire, and all quite different, I had to decide which direction to take. I chose her favorite Cruciform Series: Red as my theme. But the colors were an additional challenge, as I might never have gathered greens, black, gray and red as my palette. Add to that the choice of subtle over high contrast and I was really feeling out of my element.
I started in and made a fine composition and decided that it was fine to me but didn't fill the bill for Karen, so I ditched it and started over. I found the grays buried in my stash, and the black I needed too. When one works with black, one can't be hesitant, but must go forward with gusto. The various grays helped bring harmony to the piece, and the red square, plus red French knots gave it the necessary zest.

Hand stitching was also requested, and the black pearl cotton defined the shapes within the green spaces.
 All in all, I am pretty proud of myself with this solution. I'm glad I didn't wimp out!

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  1. Anonymous9:40 AM

    Gosh,this is stunning!I really love it. Julie

  2. Totally not my colors especially the grays. Crosses also don't appeal to me very much. However, I LOVE THIS QUILT!!! Can't tell you why, but it is wonderful. You really did a great job on this!

  3. LOVE the way the black on this piece defines the space and pops the colors out. Different but definitely beautiful.

  4. I love the colour drama that makes your quilts so clearly your own but this is a lovely piece. Great job!


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