Sunday, July 25, 2010

It's too darn HOT

 Last winter when it got good and cold I stayed inside and knit. Seems like a good idea these days too, since it is so so hot. We have been promised rain for two weeks and nothing but a few dribbles, so the cooling effects are still on hold. Meantime, I am making a small bag for the knitting guild program in August. Just a quicky, instant gratification to be sure.
Here's the shell module purse pattern. Simple slip stitch pattern, but fun. I am not much of a purse carrier, but this month seems to be purse knitting month.  I think this one will have to be lined if it is to be used.


  1. Of course I love the colors you have chosen to use... and love that stitch... I always worry that knit purses will catch on everything and get hurt.

  2. Of course I love the colors you have chosen to use... and love that stitch... I always worry that knit purses will catch on everything and get hurt.

  3. When I saw your purse I immediately fell in love with this cute pattern. I saved your pictures and the instructions - thanks for providing the link which has gone in the meantime. It took quite some time but now mine is ready and you can see it here if you are interested:
    Another thing I've wanted to tell you for a long time: I first read about Pinterest here on your blog and decided to join it. That opened a new world to me - thanks to you!


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com