Wednesday, December 02, 2009

Request for a Non-Itchy Scarf

A certain party has requested a scarf for her niece that is as colorful as my Cowlabunga scarf and to be knit in a non-itchy-non-scratchy yarn. That sounded like a great challenge to me. So after knitting group I found myself in a yarn shop... drooling over everything. I looked for a yarn that had multiple colors, enough to blend from one to the next with ease, knowing I could augment the gaps with yarn from my stash. I found a lovely Galway in worsted weight and at a great price. I bought ten 100 gram skeins (230 yds each)

The Warms...

moving into the cools

and then into the greens. Of course I will not be using the WHOLE skein of any of these, but the scarf will have all the colors mixed together in a semi-gradation.

And now it is my task to find an appropriate pattern.

I'm thinking something like this, only in garter or seed stitch, with solids, then stripes, and then solids and again stripes.

I am starting right now.


  1. I love the scarf in the picture. Where did you find it? I can't wait to see the scarf you make. I haven't had time to knit lately - I am making a bunch of small quilts for an art show so that is taking up all my time after work. After that is over with I can get out the knitting needles again!

  2. mcgomberg@earthlink.net8:58 AM

    Melody, those 'non-itchy' yarns are beautiful! Are they wool? If so, what makes them non-itchy?

    I have found that wool makes me itchy, no matter how soft (cashmere, merino). Maybe I'm allergic to it. So I have to buy acrylic or some other synthetic, and they often have very limited and dull colors. So I have not been knitting/crocheting for some years.

    If those yarns are not wool, what is their brand and/or where can I buy some?


    Mary G. in Chicago

  3. mcgomberg@earthlink.net9:06 AM

    Oh, I looked back and I see that the brand is Galway. OK, I will look for it on the Internet.

    Mary G.

  4. OMH I am having color lust! Those are gorgeous!

  5. Yum! I can't wait to see it. Now that you have me knitting again I noticed a gorgeous scarf on a woman yesterday while shopping. It was textured...maybe 4 or 5 knits and then 4-5 was about 12" across and long. She made it on a loom type thing she got at JoAnn and the pattern came with it! Now I'm off to JoAnn!!!!

  6. Are you done yet? No? You're so fast I was sure you would be. I didn't see a pattern... I love the scarf... and the colors!!!

  7. Love this scarf! Really love the fingerless gloves posted a couple of days ago. Where did you find the pattern for the cable fingerless gloves. I looked on ravelry and didn't see it. Would appreciate the help in locating it. Thanks so much!
    Laura T

  8. Anonymous8:54 PM

    Melody & Mary G. in Chicago,

    Another fiber that is not itchy is alpaca. Wool fiber have small barbs on each hair and several people are allergic to the lanolin in the wool. The alpaca hair is smooth and there is no lanolin. Alpaca fiber is also as soft as cashmire, warmer than wool, water resistant, considered hypo-allergenic, and strong. The downside is that it is more expensive due to not having millions of alpacas in the U.S. and it is a developing market. We have an alpaca farm located about 8 miles from Melody and have just begun to process our fleece and making products out of it. We have just started selling some items out of our store and invite anyone interested for a farm visit. Feel free to contact us with any questions.



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