Monday, September 08, 2008


acrylic and ink on linen canvas panel

What a strange and unfortunate name for this lovely edible flower. The leaves are zippy like a radish and I just got an email from a reader suggesting putting a dollop of Boursin cheese in the blossom. Well that would make anything taste yummy.

I am happy to just have them growing in abundance.
Again with the suggestions for making my paintings into note cards. My friend Wanda says nobody really uses note cards anymore, and I agreed with her...until yesterday. I was packaging up a couple of paintings to send to their new owners and thought that a card enclosure would be nice. Hmm.
So I looked through the inventory of my paintings photos, cropped one to fit and turned it into a note card by printing it upside down in the upper left corner of a full page in MS Word, using the landscape layout. I printed it on bright white HP paper and folded it twice and had a real looking note card. In the clear light of day I think I could have added text in the lower left corner too.
I am really not interested in making note cards of my work to sell as sets. Too fiddly. But today I am giving you the idea to do it yourself. ONLY FOR YOUR OWN USE. No selling my images, OK?

Here's a couple to try now. I placed them upside down to make it easy.


  1. I love notecards. I have small boxes of them everywhere. Do I use them? Not as much as I should. I love getting real mail, but I am afraid it is becoming a lost art. Email has overtaken us... quicker, faster, but less personal.

  2. Anonymous9:47 AM

    I do this all the time with my quilts and so does my girlfriend. They make it nice when you need a notecard or to give as a little gift!

  3. what a great idea and I can't think of anything sweeter than a nasturtium card. Very cool!

  4. Anonymous11:37 AM

    Mel, If you would like to do some notecards strictly for your own use, go to They do a great job and are very cheap. You can upload your own photos and personalize them any way you want. This saves using your own printer's ink.

  5. Hi Melody,

    I love your new work! It's delightful.

    I may try making notecards with the 2 images you provided, and I promise I will not sell them! Thank you for generously sharing these images with us. (Like the author of the first comment, I don't use notecards that much anymore, but I love them and have a bunch. I should use them more!)

    Kristin in SC

  6. I love seeing your art every day! Thanks for the freebie -

  7. Anonymous8:49 AM

    Look so beautiful...


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com