But I am well aware of the time it takes to bring these dreams to life. This tree peony at my old house took all of 18 years to reach this fullness. Still it doesn't stop me from trying.
It drifted in when I wasn't looking. Or when I was busy trying to be AHRTY and sophisticated. Ha! Who am I kidding? I have always loved loved loved the dots and stripes and now have 'come out of the closet' with a pile of fused prints ready to use them liberally in the new series. La dee dah!
There is a bit of a difference fusing commercial fabrics. I have to be careful not to have edges exposed. And the base fabric is a bit looser weave than I am used to, so it must be handled more delicately so as not to fray. But I am not going to finish the edges with satin stitch or zig zag.
I mean, really.
Baptisia in our old garden
It made me so happy to see that little seed rise up from the dirt. Can't explain it.
And then I had another happy event. Both of the batches of bread dough rose faster than usual and I baked two perfect loaves in less than four hours. This is the recipe that is no knead, in which one waits overnight to get the results. Not this time, and I don't have a clue why. Warm kitchen? Extra yeast, better flour, warmer water? Who knows. It was just a nice event.
And for number three in this set of happy little things, I went out to the garage storage shelves and unearthed some prints that have finally aged long enough to use. Dots and stripes. Yup. Ready made dots. Ready made skinny stripes. That doesn't mean I won't be cuttin' and strippin my own patterns, just adding some others to the mix.
So I spent the day fusing new old fabrics to make use of in the new series. These are from about '95 when I got rid of all my prints but the really graphic ones. Some black and white. This is for Wanda and Brooke...
Teeny Pine Trees
French Knot Stars
Neat and snug, but not exciting. Not everything can be exciting. Some things are merely fine.
Peel as many garlic cloves as you like and smash 'em with the side of the knife. Into the pan they go, with the onions and bacon.
Using a clean $1 Home Depot paint brush, remove the dirt from the mushrooms before loading them into the food processor.
So use your time wisely and have another glass of wine.
No. Not Sandra Lee's cleavage!
Finish with canned and boxed soup. What the heck. It tastes just as good and if you add the rest of the bottle of wine who could argue?
I have a feelin' I am out of a job at the Food Network.