Monday, March 05, 2007

Is this a good idea or not?

I got it at Wal-Mart
I saw this shoe storage thingy being used as a display device for something or other in a booth at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Fest. It is double sided, meaning there are as many pockets on the reverse as you see here, but heavens, it is already so heavy with fabric that I took out half the fabric I planned on storing in it.

All of my stash is already fused and I store it without the paper, rolled up in colors that are alike, or nearly alike, or totally multicolor-like, so that I can easily find a color when I need it.
Until I put it in this sling thing, I had it all in one Rubbermaid bin, overflowing, and unwieldy. When I was looking for something I would have to unload roll after roll and then unroll and replace etc, and this was a bit frustrating. I wonder if I will like this system better?
Besides the fabric, I have slipped some rulers and teflon sheets in the slings behind, which make them accessible and yet out of the way. Hmm.
It is nearly killing me not to be able to make anything today, but I really am trying to allow my sore arm some healing time or it will be ruined completely.
What I was thinking, was that I could drop this whole apparatus into a suitcase and travel with my whole stash, which I am aiming at doing at the end of the month when I will have a week long class at the Hudson Valley Art Quilt Workshops. They think I am coming to teach, but I know I am coming to play.


  1. Anonymous5:18 PM

    Looks like a winner, but only time will tell! I often get all excited about a new storage idea, but sometimes after a bit of use, it doesn't end up being what I needed after all. (Which is usually, in my case, a good weeding out, not storage at all. *grin*)
    Hope your arm feels better soon.

  2. Maybe you just need more than one of them? It looks very accessible anyway. I have very little wall space in my attic workspaces so I'd love to see something similar that would attach to a pitched ceiling! Hope your arm heals quick! You're right to give it time before it becomes a permanent problem. Been there, done that, not recommended.

  3. Anonymous8:28 AM

    It is a very clever idea and I like the "take it with you" as you travel option. I always like to use things for that which it was not intended. Keep us posted (literally) on this one. Thanks.

  4. Anonymous9:13 AM

    How about installing some of those shelves like pigeon holes, very much like those in the post office system of days gone by. IKEA should and usually carries similar shelves.
    I am thinking for a more permanent solution. Plexi-glass the back of the shelf and add lighting and you should be able to see your colours clearly.

  5. Totally genius!!

    As Louisa said, how about using more than one? Separate them by warm and cool colors or color familys, then get a suitcase or bag that you can just lay the rolled up holders and their contents in. Right now, since you have the room, you can hang them all on the wall. When you are on the road, if you are working in one or more specific color families you only need to pull out the rolled up holder you need.

    This would also work well for when you downsize... should you choose to work in the kitchen you can simply have a hook or nail on the wall to hold your current fabric needs... and when you are done creating your next masterpiece you just roll up the holder and slip it back into it's carrying case.

    Groovy baby!! ;0)

  6. I am interested in owning this if you think it will work. I also have the plastic bin full of large fused pieces - took everything out of it yesterday looking for the colors for the next quilt. So, how much did it cost and can I place an order alongside the wonderunder?


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