Saturday, June 04, 2005

First Five Quiltlets


These are all five by seven inches and hand and machine quilted/embroidered. They have a semi-binding, done by cutting the backing fabric large enough to wrap to the front and fuse down. Everything is fused, of course.
Trying to get this close to shoot this small makes the quilts look bowed which they are not. If I had a scanner (on my list) I would have just scanned these. Then you would really see the detail.

Silk and cotton with French Knots.

More French Knots, which act as small Dots
which my work needs, or not...

I use pearl cotton or embroidery floss for the hand stitching, and Madeira rayon machine embroidery thread for the machine quilting.

The rest of the small quilts will be finished today, hopefully.
I am making these available to my students at the NQA show in the middle of this month. If you are interested in one (or more) email me (see sidebar). $50.


  1. Lovely! Working small - gotta love it!

  2. These are so pretty and lively, Melody. I love them. I really think the hand embroidery (my new passion) is superfantastic.

    Are you going to float them and put raised mats around them?

  3. Love number 4...colors are different, composition is very different! David Walker mounts his small pieces on fabric covered matt board and then puts them in a shadow box frame. I have gotten the frames to do mine but so far just have them mounted on matt board. Way to go! These are so much fun to do!

  4. I love number 2. It reminds me of powerful alien laser beams plunging into a placid sea right before they invade...really. I think too many Sci-Fi books have colored my imagination. But seriously, they are all wonderfuland you have an awesome sense of color.

  5. Quitlets? This is a new term to me. Does this mean you quit before you let the little creation take over your life?


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com