Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Growing Up and Out

I found it difficult to know where to go from my quilted center. Notice that the crossed design is off center. That made me eliminate my first ten solutions. I looked in books, and online hoping to find inspiration or an answer. Finally I thought, DISREGARD that part of the design, and just build outward.
Then I started to have fun finding my LARGEST prints, which heretofore I've not found an appropriate way to use them. For this quilt, they are just right. For one thing they contain the colors of the quilt and support what I had in mind as far as making a statement with prints.
At this point the top will end up being 70x80ish, which will fit a twin bed.
But that is mattering less and less. In other words, I am less concerned that I make functional or art quilts. My main aim is to USE THE FABRICS I have been saving for. ever. I mean, really. fixed sewing machine is sewing so quietly, and smoothly. Sigh. What I will do to keep it clean of lint is not to blow it out but to use my vacuum cleaner to suck up the lint. Duh. Why didn't I do that all along?

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  1. Put an bit of old pantyhose over the vacuum in case any little screws etc are loose. Then they don't get sucked up, don't ask me how I know :-)

  2. I like where your going with the quilt and definitely like that the cross is off centre. The large motif prints make it interesting.
    I don't blow my lint, but wonder why you can't. I don't vacuum either, just use the little brush.

  3. Have you tried setting it on point?
    Add some triangles to fill the spaces around the edges?
    -Babs in NC

  4. I see symmetry in the off centredness. Is that a word? It is now!

  5. Great work, Melody. I like your new directions (I liked your old ones too).

  6. Morning Melody,

    I bought... can't remember where ... a little "thingie" that fits on the end of my vacuum cleaner and gives it a flexible, tube-like mouth. It's great for getting into the corners on my machine. My other purchase was a aerosol can of air, so that when I fee like blowing, I can restrain myself and give it a blast of clear, dry air. I then feel all virtuous 'coz I didn't blow my damp breath where it oughtn't be! It's sad what makes us feel good, isn't it!!

    Perhaps one of those ideas might work for you too!

    You know how I enjoy your blog. Thanks!

  7. I like your fixed sewing machine very much because of so lovely results.


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