Saturday, February 16, 2013

QAWM : Grannie Square-itis

My plan, which has now been abandoned, was to make a Grannie Square center for my 4 Patch quilt top. Four Grannies looked too unimpressive and too small, so I went with nine, making it way too big for my design. Add to that, I couldn't make myself use white or yellow as the background color, and opted for baby pink, which only goes to show that this is for some other project in the future.
The good news is that I used only scraps for the blocks, not counting the pink.
The other good news is that I got this out of my system; another traditional block to cross off the bucket list.
There are many examples of making individual blocks with half square triangles at the edges and sewing them together like this:  But I would rather make them without all those bias edges, like this: Pinned Image
I am thankful ( and happy!) therefore that I stopped at nine, as the construction was more fiddly than the other way.
So I am going back to my four patch with a different idea for the center. Rather than describe it here,  I'll make it first and see if it works. I'm getting smarter as I age.

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  1. I love your "my plan which has now been abandoned"....that's ME in a nutshell. I love to start a project with an idea and then let the piece tell where I'm REALLY going to go with it. Love your granny square.

  2. Anonymous5:04 PM

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