Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Update : Staying Home

Yes, reason has found its way into my thinking and I have called and cancelled my trip and feel a great sense of relief. I am staying put, keeping warm by the fire and clicking my needles at home.
Bread baking and hot toddy sipping are on the agenda, and perhaps a few movies too. Dave and the pets are currently having a marathon nap session, so I might have to join them.
Thanks for all your wisdom and advice and for agreeing with me.
It is currently snowing sideways, but not visibly in this picture. Brrrr.


  1. Isn't it agonizing trying to make a decision? Once it's made we feel such relief. you'll be safe and cozy at home. I'm sorry you had to miss your retreat though.

  2. sounds like more fun staying at home with the lovely activities you described!

  3. Good choice Mel--would hate to think of you crashing a la Dave! Curl up and cocoon instead.

  4. a knit-in at home is wonderful, too!! Just think - a surprise gift of 5 days doing whatever you want!!!! The pic is BEEEEE-YUUUUUU-ti ful!!!! It's even cold here in Florida (ok ... well 45, but that's cold to us!!)

  5. j from n4:14 PM

    You made the right choice.
    It's tough to walk away from a lot of $, but you are worth a heck of a lot more than that.
    Just dug out my car and I wouldn't drive in this, much less on mountain roads.

  6. Good for you and by the way, I think you are right! Chumleys head is getting smaller!

  7. Also We are working on 24" of snow as I type and winds of 45mph. BRRRR

  8. Anonymous4:51 PM

    whew! If you are relieved, then you made the right decision. There will be other retreats, but it sounds like you will have a much better time at home. Have a lovely "staycation".

  9. So glad you decided to stay home. It's just not worth it to be on icy roads. I'm sure Chumley agrees! He is much happier with you home for snuggling. Although- he's looking pretty friendly with the kitty! Enjoy being snowed in and knitting.

  10. Yikes, it's hard to make these grown-up decisions isn't it.
    Happy to have your safe and BLOGGING!

    Love the napping friends.


  11. Lovely to see Chumley and the kitty together. He must have an awesome personality to have won him over so quickly.

  12. Anonymous9:18 AM

    YEA! You're safe at home and we are all relieved.


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