Friday, November 26, 2010

The Festivities

Even tho no one wanted their picture taken, I had to save the memory of us all being a family together. The food was glorious and we feasted on new and old favorites. The new dishes were a hit and the best one was the grilled asparagus! Even Dave loved it. So that's saying something.
Brooke doesn't like mushrooms so instead I used cream of onion soup for the green bean casserole and that was really good, so it will have to become another tradition. The two other new dishes were baked honey-lemon plums and spiced glazed pecans.

The turkey lasagna was gobbled down like always.
We ate at 1pm and noticed that the power went out minutes before. It was a sunny warm breezy day and there didn't seem to be a reason why we lost power, but our whole road was out.  We stayed without electricity until 6pm, which meant trying to put the leftovers in a dark refrigerator, already full of stuff. Brooke brought two pies, apple and the new treat pumpkin cheesecake pie.
O man! Sorry I have no pictures...oink.
Dave and I woke up at 3:30am and decided to clean up the kitchen together and wash the floors again and then had a nice soak in the hot tub before the sun came the rain. Deeliciously warm.

The bubble tub room got finished the night before and the cabinet now closes perfectly, sigh. Popeye has his own room for the duration and is quite happy to be safe and pampered. How many cats have a spa to themselves?


  1. Wow you work fast to have that second bath that far along. Hope you had a great time with new and old traditions.

  2. diane9:06 AM

    Would you share the recipe for the spiced glazed pecans, please?

    Looks like your Thanksgiving was so special and everyone had a good time. I'm so happy you were all together and had such a good time. I'm also glad Popeye is safe and sound in his "twilight years." My cat will be wanting his own room now! ;~D

  3. Anonymous10:07 AM

    I am fairly new to your blog but am totally in love with you and yours. I check in every morning as I drink my cup of coffee. You are like an old friend I'd love to meet. Thanks for all your words and photos. Your description of the 3:30 am events in your life were wonderful.

  4. What? No hot tub photos? Sheesh. ;-) And thank you for making hungry. xo

  5. ha ha I left out the key word *me* (hungry). But you knew that already. \Happy Day after Thanksgiving.

  6. A second vote for the spiced pecan recipe!!

  7. looks like a wonderful meal. I'm glad Popeye has his own spa! My Stanza (17yrs) just got back from her 5 day trip to the "spa" boarding kennel where she has a whole "room with a view" when there aren't any long term boarding cats there. Otherwise she has the run of a 2 bedroom apt which she KNOWS is hers (grin) and no other pets. We both know who is in charge!

  8. Anonymous4:08 PM

    Your animals have their own quilts. They should feel special!

  9. I'm very envious of your spa room. beautiful!
    Thanks for sharing your dinner menu. It's giving me ideas for Christmas. The plums look really good. was that served as part of dinner or desert? I'm wondering of I could get a way with the turkey lasagna as I cook my turkey the day before anyway. I will also have 3 vegetarian and will need something for them.

  10. Anonymous8:23 PM

    Where's Chumley?


  11. Ooooh yum! I am nowhere near tired of the leftovers. I even had to go out and buy more stuffing mix to have with the turkey again last night!

    I LOVE the color of your tub room, we are looking at something close to that for our bathroom too (hopefully soon!)

    I wonder if the power went out because of all the turkeys and pies being cooked. Kind of like when we lose power in the summer when everyone's running their AC.


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