Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Home and Safe

Isn't he the cutest?
Thank you for all the loving and supportive comments. I wish I could answer each one of them + the private emails you sent. It made such a huge difference. Dave is feeling much better and is wearing some pretty creative outfits now that he is dressing himself again. And my fierce anger has dissipated. I am kissing him alot and so thankful he is in mostly one piece. Phew!

Our trip back home was filled with breathtaking views and we agreed that East Tennessee is underrated for its beautiful scenery. I took I-81 and then I-75 and we arrived home in four hours flat, even with more rain along the way. We really needed the rain.
Dave and Mike our hired man are going back up to Johnson City with our trailer to retrieve what is left of the motorcycle. If there is anything left of value, the parts will be sold on Ebay. That'll keep him busy for a while. Here is the bike 'before' photo, on his first long trip into the Smokies.
 I guess our birthday celebration will be a little later this week. I am thinking CHEESECAKE.



  1. I'm glad of the home-again part of the adventure and wish a peaceful recovery to both of you.

  2. He is looking like he is on the mend. Such a acary thing to hear a loved one has been in an accident. You have to worry all the way to see them.

  3. Sharon8:01 AM

    I'm glad Dave is home and beginning his recuperation. What's important is that he wasn't more seriously injured. Things can be replaced but we can't replace our loved ones. Love to you both!

  4. Tell Dave we all love him and wish a very speedy recovery to him! I was one of his avid readers when he had his blog and so much wish he was writing again! It's much safer too! Tell him we miss him on the internet!

  5. Good to see Dave is mostly in one piece and home! Good luck to both of you.


  6. Glad everything worked out OK! Take care.♥

  7. diane9:04 AM

    I'm glad to hear that Dave is on the mend. That picture of him - how can he still look so cute even in a hospital bed with his arm in a sling? A big crash and he still looks good!

    Glad you guys are together again!

  8. So glad you're feeling better today.

  9. Happy to read of the recovery starting......in a good way. Love the cheesecake......and good wishes for both of you.

  10. Hopefully this tragedy was a blessing in disguise that will move Dave in a direction that is more in his best interest.

    I had to smile at your comment about selling the parts on Ebay keeping him busy. Keeping someone, who is going through a physical or mental decline, out of the boredom zone can be as challeging as hearding cats.

  11. randi9:47 AM

    I'm happy to hear he's home with you - now he can recover with some of your delicious, comfort, made- with-love, meals. Wishing a fast recovery~

  12. Happy BIrthday to Dave! Hope you can celebrate properly really soon!

    I'm glad he is home...much better to be home on your birthday than in the hospital...and hope that you both mend very soon.

    Thinking of you.....

  13. Hi Melody,
    I was so happy to read this post. It just proves that if you can "vent" and get it out, you can move on.
    Sending my best to both of you!

  14. Anonymous10:28 AM

    Whoo! So glad to see his smiling face and hear the smile in your voice! If we lived closer I'd make you one of my fabulous meyer lemon swirl cheesecakes!

  15. Anonymous11:01 AM

    Sending CYBER HUGS!

  16. Anonymous11:33 AM


    Happy birthday Dave. :)

  17. Pammyfay11:50 AM

    Pls give Dave a very gentle hug from all of us in cyberland! Who knew that this Internet world would make so many strangers become more like close friends, who worry about you, who cry with you, who laugh at you, who "shop" with you. Who check in every day with you ("I wonder which room she redecorated today!").

    Oh, and PLS don't show us the "after" picture of the bike--don't know if I can stomach it!

  18. cheesecake is always good! glad to see Dave looking not nearly as bad as it could have been...

  19. Dave is looking pretty darn good for what he's been through. Let the healing begin. And a nice rain is healing your garden right now. Wish we had some of that. The browness here is depressing. The climatis was not very spectacular this year and our red maple is going from green to brown. Hope the damage is not permanent.

  20. good to see that rascal face of your husband Dave and hear that he is home now where he will give the nurses at hospital a break and you his attention. Happy Birthday to him and let's all eat cake and celebrate. last summer i told my DH David now that i was 60 something the whole month was a birthday time!( he winces still from motorcycle shoulder and he did it in his late teens and still went on to para trouper school....) so are Daves and Davids all so daredevilish? is that a word?
    best to you both, next chapter.

    stay well
    be well!

  21. Ack! I'm late reading these entries so didn't learn about Dave's crash until just now -- I'm SO SO glad to hear he is okay and home safe. (And he looks darn good for someone in the hospital!) I hope you can celebrate his birthday with special appreciation that you two are home together. Phew!

  22. Dearest Melody: Life has kept me busy & I just learned of your scare. Just wanted you to know that I will keep you and your DH in my prayers. Thanks for sharing your life with us! May God bless you with strength, peace and patience!

  23. Time to exhale and be grateful!

  24. Just caught up with your recent "adventure" - so glad it wasn't worse. We used to have a 93 year old neighbour who despite all her illnesses was always very busy. As she said, "It's better to wear out than rust away". Despite the risks, Dave deserves a lot of admiration for refusing to give in. Hope you both enjoy the cheesecake (and if there's any left over ...)

  25. So glad he's healing! Take a picture of the broken bike, so when he gets the urge to do that again...there's proof that maybe it's not such a good idea. My hubby had two major crashes. We still go out on a bike together, but he's not going as fast with me on the back. Maybe get someone to sculpt the broken pieces into something for the garden?

  26. Melody & Dave - Just catching up with your blog - this was NOT the adventure you & Dave were expecting from his road trip! Glad Dave is home & on the mend. Happy Birhday Dave.

  27. Anonymous1:27 PM

    So glad to see that he's doing well. Nice looking young man you have there. :)

  28. I'm so glad Dave is alright. I hope he heals quickly. I have a friend who teaches motorcycle safety classes, I would recommend that if he decides to try again. But I hope he doesn't!

  29. I'm so glad he's home safe and on the mend.

  30. Anonymous2:47 AM

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