Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Too Hot For June
I like to get up early, read my email and blog. But when it is this hot at 6am, I am forced to get out there and do my garden chores first. Watering is essential when the temps are high and I really can't water and photograph at the same time, so my scheduled posting gets put back further. This is unusual weather for us up here. It was 100 degrees down in Chattanooga yesterday and only 86 up here. But still, we expected rain and got none, so out comes the hose.

My husky red cherry tomatoes have started setting fruit and that makes me happy. I hope the racoons won't notice/steal these before I can try them out.

This is a volunteer tomato from last year and seems to be doing just as well as the expensive ones I bought. A lesson is to be learned here. It is a Better Bush, or it was last year. Who knows if it will come true from seed? It doesn't matter, as long as some tomatoes come from it. I have six different plants and while that would seem to be a lot, I have low expectations, from experience.
How many pictures of my dark rose hydrangea can I take? Lots. But the Speedwell is doing its thing and the nasturtiums are coming along nicely too despite the inchworm infestation. Eeeoouww.
Dave is getting a good start on the day too, clearing brush from his Memorial/Zen Garden. He comes home dripping with sweat. Ugh. I can't do that kind of work.
I am practicing taking seed catalog photos. I read about a daylily with burgundy petals and a lime throat. O sure I thought, and yet here we have one. That lime just about glows in the dark. Same with the sweet potato vine.  And Blackie is really black.
The flowering clover ( a nice weed) is setting seed pods. I have never noticed these before.

Scarlet Runner Beans are blossoming too. Love that redness against the intensity of the green.

I feel very lazy today and wonder if I should schedule anything more than washing the dishes? It's not like anyone will fire me.


  1. Go with the first instinct. Water and become one with the veg. Good book, something cold and it's peel me a grape time. Hey! to Farmer Dave.

  2. I'm pretty sure the tomatoes from dropped seed won't be true to the Better Bush hybrid, but rather will revert to one of the strains that went into the hybrid. Likely delicious, but maybe not as disease resistant or early fruiting (or whatever special attributes the hybrid had bred into it). But free tomatoes are always a good thing!

  3. Melody, just a late comment on 'Triumph of Tulips' - it is so beautiful!! I can't stop looking at it. Lovely bright colours. I'm yet to be able to come up with such great ideas for a quilt design! Thankyou for showing us. Karen

  4. You didn't tell us what kind of damage you did at Sew Be It! Did you come home with new yarn??

  5. The purple daylily is gourgeous! Another good photograph from you :)

  6. I have never seen a daylily with that color of petals. I do have a burgundy with the lime green throat though. And I love your Scarlet Runner Beans blossom! Who knew?


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