Sunday, March 21, 2010

Welcoming Spring!
I am rather happy to see the end of winter, and eager to get going in the garden. This time I am not going to plant tender things too early, only to have to cover them and pray they won't get frozen by freaky late April snows. I mean it. Really.
So I just bought some pansies which manage to live with snow and freezing temps and laugh them off.  But mostly I am buying bags and bags of dirt. Nothing like a cleaned up bed covered with a new layer of composted manure to cheer up a gal.

And these are next to clean up. The center bed was full of perennials, but no longer. The STINKIN'  VOLES
have eaten away my 18 hostas, 15 Autumn Joy Sedum, some hardy geraniums, coreopsis, delphiniums, asters and 24 Stargazer Lily bulbs. The only remaining plants are two hydrangeas, which never bloom, and a good looking shasta daisy. Hrumph.
 The Eating Machine. Tinier than a mouse and more destructive than a bulldozer in the garden.
The black pots down in front have hosta in them, and I wonder if  know I am nuts to plant them here again. One pot had the plant removed entirely by those nasty critters.

But what is a gardener if not full of hope in the Spring? I'll clean up the old dead stuff, and add another layer of dirt and consider perhaps tossing just a few seeds over the bed instead of spending good money for plants which will only fatten the wily voles.
I don't have and do need some poppies
 calendulas, light orange calendula and foxgloves .
A girl can dream. Sigh.

PS I just ordered this stuff...we'll see if it works. (the granular stuff...makes the deer stay away too)


  1. Hi Melody, what a bummer that all your lovelies are eaten over the winter. I have to plant bulbs in hardware cloth. I used it two ways. One: make a cylinder with an open top and bottom about 8" tall. Or two: make a trough and plant the bulbs in that. I have a severe vole/mole problem and it's helped a lot, so I hope it helps you to.

  2. So glad to see some color coming up in the gardens up north. I'm sure it will be a while before my way. Get those poppie seed scattered now. I like to get mine out early....

    Rain day AGAIN at the beach.
    Lots of reading to catch up on early this morning. Already been out shelling bright and early.
    The Garden Bell - Kate

  3. I'm curious... do the voles attack from underground or aboveground? We have prairie dogs which live under, and I have had some luck laying down chicken wire in the planting hole before putting in the plant. I also use the wire cloth around trees to protect them from the Elk who love tender leaves... keep at it! Can't wait to see this years' pictures!

  4. As a fellow hosta junkie, I couldn't bear to think that you'll plant more pretties and they'll end up as lunch. I did a little google search and found this site:

    It lists plants to plant alongside other plants that are natural mole repelants. Maybe worth a shot?

  5. Do you have a cat? It should take care of the voles! Love the quilts!


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