Friday, July 31, 2009

Coming soon to a gallery near you

In the midst of everything (great) that is going on here at the Mexican Chalet, a gallery in Wisconsin has asked me to send them these 13 paintings to sell there. I am thrilled that they liked them and as soon as this is all finalized and shipped I will let you know where you can see them in real life (where they look much, much better than my photos. Even if I do say so myself.)
Just between you and me, it feels so validating to be discovered like this, for my PAINTING, not quilting. I am verklempt. But in a good way.
So I bought myself six new brushes. Woowoo!
And tomorrow, if I recover from this nasty summer cold, my sister and I are piling in my van and going to IKEA together, to buy some furniture for her new life here. Woowoo again!
The new catalog just came out and it is online and the first thing I did was decide what new stuff I might have to have too. I have been keeping a secret but it now time to reveal all.
I got the Ektorp!!! IN RED. And then I went back to IKEA and bought the white slipcover too! Brooke is modeling it here. I have it in the studio and will now have the white cover for summer and the red corduroy for winter. Brooke is buying the red one too tomorrow, hopefully... so we will be twins, sofa wise.


  1. And don't forget how awesomely the slipcovers dye!

    I dyed the white slipcover for an awesome "as-is" ektorp chaise find:

    It's very happy in it's newly decorated surroundings:

    Have a great time at Ikea!

  2. And, congrats on the gallery! WooHoo!

  3. Anonymous4:49 PM

    Congrats on the gallery call. That's pretty cool.

  4. That's so great about the gallery!! Did they find you on your blog, I wonder. That Ektorp is so comfortable for sleeping on too. My son had one in his apartment in California... I'd move one of the back cushions against the armrest and had really good sleep! Have a marvelous trip to Ikea with your sister, and don't forget the Swedish meatballs!

  5. Congratulations! That's so exciting that THEY sought you out. You deserve it! Your paintings are amazing!

  6. The Wisconsin Gallery is so clever to nab you! And those living nearby will have a real treat!

    I was amused at your white cover - I'd never dare do white . . I'm too messy, and there are too many small people/animals that would promptly jump on it with messy paws! Red, yes, that's great, but white, I don't think so!

  7. Anonymous7:14 PM

    Congratulations Melody. FABULOUS to have the gallery call you.

    - Myrna

  8. First of all, congrats to the Wisconsin gallery for having such superb taste. I'm so happy for you, but six brushes? Rather extravagent, no? I kid, I kid. // You slayed me with the Ektorp purchase. I've been stalking it for years during each IKEA visit. Sometimes here they have buy one, get a second half off and I should have resorted to Craigslist to find myself and Ektorp buddy to go halvers with me!//Sounds like you're having a fine time with your sister. I'm guessing the TN laugh track has gone up a notch or two. :-)

  9. wonderful news about the paintings.
    The couch is gorgeous. Your model is pretty cool looking as well. So happy that Brooke and family found a place so soon. Good news all around.

  10. that is wonderful news on the gallery! And I love the red sofa!!!

  11. Congratulations on the upcoming gallery exhibit - that's really fantastic. And it makes total sense to celebrate by shopping! I certainly hope you never get tired of red - LOL!

  12. Anonymous2:15 PM

    Might be good timing to check out the World's Longest Yard Sale out in your neck of the woods for more house stuff!

  13. Randi7:22 PM

    Congratulations Melody! I'll be making a road trip to some Wisconsin gallery now.


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com