Wednesday, May 06, 2009

I am home
Feeling fine, no pain at all. I have a filled prescription, and will use it when and if I have pain. The hardest part was being so thirsty after the surgery and downing a huge diet Coke. It is one hour to get home, but Dave stops for my prescription and a few other items, while I wait in the car.
The bladder swells, and no Dave...I am really ready to empty it, and still no Dave. I am REALLY REALLY urgently in need and finally Dave returns and we make it home JUST IN TIME.

O brother!

The sun just came out and I think I'll have another big glass of water. Crutches work but I can actually walk without them and am supposed to get up every two hours and walk about. OK I have plans to visit the bathroom in minutes.
Thanks for all your well wishes and prayers. I don't deserve such great readers as you'all.


  1. Yay! So glad to hear it went well. Your bladder is obviously very excited as well. :-)

  2. Hoping for a very fast recovery so trips to the bathroom will be easier for you!!!!

  3. So glad to hear that you're doing well. I'm encouraged if the need ever arises for that type of surgery knees are still working, although with some twinges and slowly. You're an inspiration!
    Keep on, Mel....we're here.

  4. Yippee! Your o.k. Sending hugs...big ones!

  5. Anonymous3:20 PM

    Wow, I've only been gone for 3 weeks and return only to find you on the Op table.....hope your surgery will have been successful, happy convalescencing!!!(is there such a word?) (hope the word police isn't reading this).

    I need new knees too but 'am scared witless. I'll continue to bear the pain and hope for an early 'Ableben'.

  6. Please don't overdue it while the pain meds are wearing off.
    Big Sis

  7. "I don't deserve such great readers..." Haha -- what were you thinking?

  8. Glad you are home and more comfortable. Recoup quick, K?!

  9. Anonymous7:12 PM

    Best wishes from Downunder,remember don't overdo it.
    Christine Bathurst NSW Australia

  10. You DO deserve such great readers - we receive as we give! Enjoy the downtime!

  11. wow - walking around after ANY knee surgery - who'd have thought it?
    take care of yourself while you're recuperating!

  12. So glad you came through OK. Was thinking of you today! Hope you got a nice huge bandage for all your trouble!! Big Phew to have gotten this part over and done with. Be good to yourself as you really get back on your feet again!

  13. Hi Mel,
    Just wanted to say that I have had 5 surgeries on my one knee. The best advice I have is use lots of ice, and stay on top of your pain. Don't be deceived about the lack of a huge scar, I think the arthroscopic surgery turned out to be the most painful, because I didn't think it would be a big deal. And I have had 2 replacements.
    Heal fast!

  14. Sounds like things are going along swimmingly... just remember it is easier to keep up with the pain than to catch up with it!

  15. Do you have anything we can all "virtually" sign for a rememberance quilt? HA HA
    So happy you're doing well!! Just take it easy and don't overdue.
    You have made us a very special "Melody" - soon the overture will begin!
    Sunny California is thinking of you!!

  16. So glad to hear everything went well and that you are on your way to recovery.

  17. Get well soon. Hope you're soon able to garden and hike painfree.

  18. So glad your surgery went well. I hope the pain free recovery continues!

  19. Melody, I wish you the best and hope you're back to 100% soon!


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