Sunday, April 05, 2009

Spring Morning


The pond is as full as it can get, with a drain taking off the excess. No breeze at all,  just the sounds of chirping birds announcing their presence and the woodpeckers tapping away in a frenzy.

A daily walk around the ‘estate’ is so compelling since things change so fast. We got this snowball viburnum last year and it is loaded with buds. I have always wanted one and then this morning I noticed another bush that came with the property has the very same bud clusters!image

So we have two, an embarrassment of riches. image  And here we have a bud opening on our second dogwood, a pink one to compliment our white one,  methinks. It is planted in the shade garden and had a few difficult seasons, due to drought, but this Spring it looks like it is rebounding, with several buds and lots of leaves.




Our redbuds are just opening and I have to enjoy them in a big hurry since snow is forecast for Monday and Tuesday nights. I’ll be covering the clematis, hosta and peonies again. Sigh. That’s life on the mountain.


Pink must be the in color today with our tulips joining in the show.







The primrose is just a little bit more extravagant with a yellow center.


But just wait until the Virginia Bluebells open. Here’s the coming attractions:



  1. Do you know that with your "artist eye," you take very artful photos? I love the photo of the pond full of reflection, separated by a curve that's the far shoreline. Very nice. And of course I enjoy the early flowers. Good luck with the snow! :-)

  2. Sooo beautiful! Our dogwoods haven't peeped out yet, I don't even know what color they will be. This is our first Spring in this house. And one of our trees is blooming, but I don't know what kind it is, white blooms, very tall and narrow and very old. Your photos are so vibrant and lovely! Do you choose plants like you choose fabrics?

  3. Your pictures give me hope that spring might actually arrive someday.

  4. Anonymous6:26 PM

    Nice panorama pic of the pond!

  5. ShirleyB9:06 AM

    Really great photo!

  6. Beautiful shots of the estate. Yes, expect snow. We had eight hours of rain yesterday that really greened everything up and woke up this morning to snow flurries. So strange.

    I love snowball viburnum! And the pink tulips!!! Oh, my! Paradise!

  7. Just beautiful. Hope the snow stays at a minimum and goes away quickly.


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