Saturday, October 18, 2008

Pear Green

I kid you not, Sherwin Williams has a paint color called Pear Green. How perfect for the guest room. We had a guest room in our previous house with a more shocking version, to which my father in law said 'That took guts' to paint. We like it.
It coordinates with the new floor which flows into my studio.
And wouldn't you know it, I have a quilt to match too. Um, two actually. I just haven't hung the second one yet.
And to add that necessary ambience, real plants. The color scheme of yellow, white and green makes this Southeast facing room so sunny and friendly. Come for a visit.
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  1. Melody, your guest room looks lovely, and you so obviously enjoy your home, it's a thrill to read about what you are doing.

    Can I ask how you hang your quilt to get them so flat please? I wondered if you back them with craft firm vilene.

    Best wishes to you and your husband

    Cynthia in UK

  2. Dear Cynthia,
    My quilts are all fused. That means that I fuse Wonder-Under or in the UK Bondaweb to the back of all my fabrics, then I cut them and fuse them together by overlapping the edges, which I do on a teflon sheet so nothing sticks to the ironing surface. When the top is done I fuse it directly to the batting, and finish with the Escape Hatch finish, and quilt. If you check out the sidebar links you will see previous posts which show the process.

  3. I love the color! And yes, I shall come for a visit now that the walls match the color of my eyes.

  4. You certainly do make it tempting!

  5. i am thinking of painting my studio this color. I think I need to come and spend some time in the guest room to see if we are compatible!!

    I could really use some Mrs Mel time.

  6. Love starting or ending my day with whatever color is touching yours at the time. Color, color, color...just can't get enough. Waking up to this pear green would really start the day off right. Bet your sis loved it.

    Chris in WA

  7. Ditto to everything! Mel time equals happy time!
    My husband is laughing a the name of the paint because he painted his room in high school the same color and his Mom nearly jumped out of her skin. It was very "Leave it To Beaver" around here and they refered to the color as acid green in the seventies...calling Dr. Leary. Now, of course, it's bright and happy and wonderful and pear-like. It tool a lot of pulling but I managed to drag the Beige family into the future.

  8. beautiful.....just beautiful and so restful seeing the pictures of the re make on the house. keep up the good work!

  9. I thought this should be your room since it adjoins the studio.
    When you couldn't sleep you wouldn't get cold feet walking across cold floors to get to your studio.

  10. I love that color! It is very pretty!! And, your quilt looks great in there.

  11. Goodness, there is a great deal of effective info above!


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