Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Le Atelier

Finally enough of our other stuff has been stashed so I could start making this room function as my new studio. It has such great light from five sets of windows and three doors. Not much in the way of uninterrupted walls, but being a fuser I don't work on the wall much.
The table will get a fitted padded top for ironing, just as soon as I have a minute. In the meantime, just a double layer of batting and a scrap will cover the surface and make do for pressing a few items.
The pin up wall is just thumbtacked to the wooden beams above. Not gonna last I know. This room is right off the bathroom and the bubble tub room, so water is available when I get back to painting, but there is not one utility sink in the whole place... hmm.

The French doors make me think of this as a French atelier, but they open into the living room, so you can imagine they will stay closed quite a bit once I start making a mess.

This rolling drawer system needs a twin and I will be scouting out Home Depot or Lowe's for another soon.

My sewing table is one of two folding plastic tables that have been used for everything from dyeing to patio lunches. How did I ever live without them?
I don't expect this room to remain exactly as presented here. Feng Shui being what it is, I will no doubt switch places and move the padded table to this spot while fusing and then return to the lower table when I sew. I must have my back to the wall and my face to the doors.


  1. Anonymous8:39 AM

    I have to keep reminding myself that you guys intended to scale down because things seem so spartan around there. I know there's a long way to go until everything is just so, but when you finally reach that point, it will be more simplified than before.
    It is comforting to see the studio/atelier going together, tho. Is there room for a second body?

  2. I like your atelier! Funny, I have to have my back to the wall also, no matter where I am. Can't wait for you to get settled, I miss all the photos of your art and what you are working on.

  3. I'm glad to see you have the studio set up. I'm with you with watching the door.
    The only time I wish I had a man around is when I want to move furniture. But then there is always "rent a guy" and I don't have to feed him.

  4. Paint the beams over your head in the atelier white so as to make them "disappear" because it's not good feng shui to have beams overhead. Especially in an office, bedroom or kitchen. Put your desk to face the doors coming into the room if possible and improve your lighting. But I'm guessing you already have that one on the list, being a quilter...OTT lights for everyone!


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com