Wednesday, February 28, 2007

What have we here?

In a vain attempt to get pictures to stay put on the blog, I have decided to try this other feature now available. It requires that you click on this little box and then another page appears which has a gallery of shots which you can see LARGER, if you like. This may or may not suffice. I would rather use pictures in the blog, but so many are telling me that they are not visible, and that makes me so mad/unhappy/frustrated, that I have resorted to this.

Here's the story: One of my students, Maggie Bowen, did these 6" designs as the last part of the SewFree Style class. She is a genius, and I took advantage of her work to use here.
Doncha just love the elegance of these designs? This is such a great way to devise a layout for larger work , even if the larger work is only twice as large, say 12".

Here's another url of my work that you can see as a slide show. Larger and clearer than on the blog, for sure.


  1. Well, I can adjust to clicking to see the pix if I have to, but I'm still dealing with having to sign in every time I want to leave a comment! Blogger needs to get it together - before I try to post my next quilt! (tomorrow? Saturday? Soon!)

  2. Anonymous4:49 AM

    yay, now I can see the pics! It's weird; none of the previous posts were a problem (for me) until the one I commented on yesterday.

  3. Anonymous7:41 AM

    Hi Mel

    Still can't see the pics when I click on the small picture. I get a bunch of gobbledy gook. Too bloody bad because the student's work really has an elegance that I am instantly attracted to.


  4. Sherrill,
    try this url

  5. Anonymous8:06 AM

    Same gobbledy. This is so frustrating! I'll stick around tho Mel until you get it back on track.

    As a sidebar - you should see the snow (blizzard) we are getting up here from that huge weather disturbance in the southern U.S. It's so strange the U.S. has had enormous snow storms and we've had no snow UNTIL NOW. We are expecting up to 30 cms. A couple of feet I guess. Sherrill

  6. Anonymous8:09 AM

    Hi again, I mentioned a huge snow storm "up here" - that's Montreal "up here". Sherrill

  7. These pieces are amazing -- I'd love to see them all put together. Hope the artists comes forth.


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com