Monday, May 22, 2006

The Birthday Girls of May

Today is Frieda's birthday! Happy Birthday Frieda Darlink. How Oldddddd Are You?

Laura's birthday is May 1st. She is five years younger than me.

Tommy's birthday is May 3rd. She is three years younger than me. It's all about me.

Anne Lullie and Emily Parson have the same birthday, May 11. They are both way too young to be my girlfriends, but I can't help myself, I love them too.

And my little niece Glory's birthday is May 12, and she is now 11. She has two blogs!

Is this some strange karmic accident that so many of my friends have birthday's in May?
It has been my pleasure to have been the hostess for their birthday parties in the past, but having been away for 2/3 of the month has made it difficult to schedule a specific date to celebrate. This may end up being the latest Maygirls party June!


  1. You missed one: MINE was YESTERDAY!

  2. I love Glory's sicks. Did you knit those?

  3. Mrs. Mel,
    You throw the best parties so I am willing to celebrate in June or July!
    Oh! Let's do it when its really hot and we need to drink those little icy drinks to stay cool. Or better yet, let's pretend its hot and we need to drink little icy drinks.


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com