Saturday, February 25, 2006

Rollerblading Early
We are getting out early today to rollerblade nine miles, which is so smart, as the iguanas are still asleep at this time, 8:30am. They were out and about when we skated yesterday at 1-ish. Large and color-coordinated with the flora along the path, they appear out of nowhere, and I have to stay alert.

At the end of the skate, I have the red face of a woman who needs more exercise. I am getting here, that's for sure. We didn't go 9 miles exactly as Tommy is training me into this little by little. I should pay for this with something first born.

Tommy is seasoned skater and has lovely form. I trudge on skates. The difference is obvious.

I would love it if our bike path at home were this flat and scenic. The running path on the right is crushed shells.

I longed to rest here, on this bench but then I would have stiffened up and have to be carried off by EMT guys.

Is it working yet?


  1. Anonymous11:35 AM

    I knew Dave would like that last photo! Very retro look, but I was imagining you in a lime green and turquoise bikini.

  2. ohhhhhh I love that's so decent....hahahahahah...I mean it I love it...


  3. M, I am soooo impressed! And don't you look positively coquettish in that suit! Dahling!


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com