Thursday, February 09, 2006

The book will be published in mid-July this year.
It will be a main selection for the North Light Book Club.
It's a hard-cover with spiral binding so it lies flat on the work surface.
There are 176 total pages.
There are 102 artists in the book, including those whose work is carried over from the original.
There are 113 activities, more than twice as many as the first version.
The book has been completely revised with lots of new material added, including a new chapter on art and fine craft.
And I have work in it!!!
Imagine my delight when I received an email last year from Nita Leland saying she liked my quilts and wanted to use them in her newly revised edition of The New Creative Artist. I have all her books, and use them for inspiration for both my quilts and paintings. I was flabbergasted and so thrilled.
I think the work she chose was some she saw in a Quilting Arts article back in June of 2004. My quilt was on the cover ( Releasing the Creative Block). You just never know who is looking and connecting with your work.
Now I must jump in the car and fly to California, where today it will be 81 degrees, while it is a mere 18 here in Cary IL. Brrrrrr.
I'll write when I can, Hasta La Vista Baby!


  1. How wonderful, it is great when we see a cross over and acceptance of our work in other mediums. I look forward to seeing it. Have a nice warm visit to sunny southern CA, Friends tell me it has been warmer than normal the last few days. By the way Abby is small enough for a purse I finished a felted bag yesterday that holds her perfectly.

  2. Anonymous11:00 AM

    I hope you wil lremind us when this is available cuz I want one!!! Have a fab trip to sunnny CA

  3. Congrats Melody! Yay you!

  4. This is great! I, too, have all of her books and love them. Will have to get the new one when it comes out!

  5. Congrats Mel! You've mentioned this author before, I'll see if I can find her books in our library. Enjoy your trip!

  6. Congrats! You must be so excited!


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