Who writes like this?
Ok, I"m 'rattin' out Ms. Mel. Her laptop computer (to wit: I convinced her to buy) took yet another dump.
Yes, this frustration made her move yet again, to wine. Ahh, the tender enjoyment of life. And a quick exit from the resolution theme.
I cannot scold, I've been at the short end of several dead computers, albeit daily.
'Our' relationship recently, as gone from: "Come help! My puker is broke", to: "Lets just have some time together where [we're] not always in computer 'fix' mode. Alas, I feel a fix mode coming on soon.
Fret not my most genuine, loving and slender sis: (Can you HEAR me buying time?) I'll be on my white steed shortly, with not a hint of drudgery. The Dame Judy "Melody Johnson" Dench has recently accepted me, as a regular 'dude'.

That is a comment left by my brother Cary, on yesterday's post. Yes, it is true, I broke my wine fast and went for the grape. It was for good reasons.
1. I entered Visions, but not without fear and trepidation and vast sums of moola. It makes me wonder about fabulous struggling artists out there who cannot afford the slide film, a good camera, or camera-person, developing costs and entry fees. I am sure I spent close to $70 just to get it all done. Not counting the new camera batteries, $15, since who uses a regular camera when digitals are all the rage.
2. Yes my laptop did semi-fizzle out yesterday, but funny, only on my logon name. I logged on with Dave's name and got all to work. Unfortunately none of my email addresses can be accessed from that part and while I can get my email on the desktop, I cannot remember everyone's email addresses and they aren't on the desktop. Frustration. I know this fizzle has something to do with Hello and Picasa, so I uninstalled them, hoping that would do the trick, but nope.
3. Then Dave needed several important documents copied and I said, no problem, my scanner printer copier can do it right here, and we need not go out in the rain when we can do it at home.
Big mistake. This copier is my laptop copier, see #2, which makes it unusable.
So Mini-Geek that I am, I decided to install it on the downstairs desktop, which meant finding the installation cd-rom. Y'know I never throw anything like that out. However it was no where to be found.
Not to worry.
I went online to HP Drivers and Installers and downloaded the proper software which failed to load the first and second time. Three hours later and on the third try I got it to work. I asked for a round of applause, and got a modicum of approval, followed by I don't know why you had to do this when we could have just gone to the copy place and had it done hours ago, without all that frustration.
Words and spit ensued and I was hopping mad for a minute. He was right of course.
4. My slides were ready to pick at 4pm, about 40 minutes away from my house. Sitting in rush hour traffic, I am listening to the radio and hear a traffic report saying there is an accident at the intersection that is my end destination! Did those drivers know this would just add another straw on my camel's back?
5. I got the slides, and labeled them right at the developers, having filed the entry form online, thankfully, and proceed to the nearest post office where I was merely 16th in line.
It is all done, all the documents are mailed, my entry packet, my delayed later than ever Christmas gift, and my last two unstamped bills.
I made it home a limp rag of a woman and announced: I am off my wine diet. Open a bottle!
PS. Take a look at this blog, I am so happy and proud of my sister Brooke.
I too would have hit the bottle after all that, maybe even the blender, for 'gritas. You didn't want to go off wine AND caffeine at the same time anyways, right?!
ReplyDeleteI've been lurking for about a month now and really enjoying your blog and the quilts. Such talent!
ReplyDeleteI clicked on the link to Bethany's blog and what a treat! O those faraway-places-pics! I told her my husband had been in Singapore in the 50s and was so amazed at the development since then that she now has 2 new readers. Thanks for the heads-up and have a wonderful year (even if the technology bites back sometimes.)
Re: "Who writes like this"...
ReplyDeleteI'm awash at that comment. I pose my prose with direct (and sometimes 'digging') notes with love of my kinship sis. Her pernambular diatribe is most a dance on a disco floor. (A brief pause, the cat is on the roof again, scratching on the skylight). Anyone know a cure to the Abysinnian curse? Anyway, it seems that I got among purpular headline in this days blog. Funny, with limited effort, I too, can 'shirt-tail' the famous Ms. Mel. Wow, an avenue... I love it. By the way, the picture that [she] posted on the blog is when I had a reaction to peanuts. I've since lost 150 pounds, and transported back 20 years. I'm now a recent high-school graduate, with all the identity of a Trump-class magnate. Hefner class soirees is not a problem.
I'll now go back to the program now in progress.. (reality... )