Thursday, August 04, 2005

New Knit Blogring

A person with artistic or literary interests who disregards conventional standards of behavior.

A bohemian knitter disregards the normal connotations of knitting and delves into the art.
Be a free thinker, never knit a pattern exactly as it is written and regularly view the world from an upside down position.

This sounds like me! I joined and am only the fourth one on the list. I am hoping to find others of like minds there. Or at least some kool ideas for stuff.
I also want to mention that two new blogs are in my sidebar, one from Anne Lullie and one from Tommy Fitzsimmons, two of my girlfriends. You will likie.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, so I thought "Cool. Great idea for a KnitRing. But must not join - can't copy Mel - too weird and stalker-ish." Then I checked out the others in the ring. They are ALL on my regular knitblog reading list!

    Yup, I caved. Must. Be. Bohemian. Knitter.



So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com