Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Easy Hanging Solution

When it comes to hanging a quilt, be it large or tiny, I use telescoping curtain rods. I especially like the smaller ones because they  have those nice openings at the ends, where either a nail or a nylon fishing line can be threaded. I use 30lb test to hang most of my larger pieces, but then they require heavier duty curtain rods that don't have those nice little holes at the end. I have found that with larger heavier quilts, a little ease must be built into the rod pocket, which enables the fatter rod to hang without distorting the front of the quilt.
For really heavy quilts a flat rod like this is just great.

A loop of fishing line around each end, and a nail will hold most work nicely.
 Just thought I'd share.



  1. Thanks for sharing...what a great idea!!!

  2. Lol. And I use thumb tacks. Same on me.

  3. Thanks so much for sharing! these are wonderful ideas!!!

  4. Thanks Mel - love the flat rod idea. Why hadn't I thought of that?

  5. Such a brilliant simple idea - so why didn't I think of it?! Thanks so much. It just so happens that I've been pondering ways to make a quilt hanging apparatus to photograph quilts outside and I think you've just solved a problem for me.

  6. And don't forget that used sewing machine needles will hold a very quilt and leave a small hole in the wall.

  7. Nice! I have used slats of wood, but had to drill holes in either end for the nails or fishing line... I like those telescoping rods a lot!

  8. My favourite is the beautiful fabric the rods are laying on. It made me gasp!


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