Friday, February 03, 2012

QAWM: Quilting the Quilt

 Where were we? The top is fused to the batting and I used the Escape Hatch Finish to get the quilt ready for machine quilting.

Now I would like to share another wonderful thing about fusing the quilt. The work is stabilized with the fusing so that no basting is needed to quilt it. This is especially true on small works such as this, but also true to a lesser extent with really large art quilts.
It is not even necessary to use free motion quilting on such a small piece. I just leave my feed dogs up and use my open toed embroidery foot for the quilting.
When outlining the fused shapes, I stitch NEXT TO but not ON TOP OF the shapes. Stitching in the ditch like this, tucks in any stray threads and makes the pieces looked pieced!
To start, I stitch in place about three stitches and then go. To finish I will also stitch in place and then I hit the thread cutter button (Janome 6500P) and that pulls the threads to the back.

But my starting threads are still there on the front.
I use a self-threading needle to pull those threads to the back.

I am very careful not to stitch on the strips, but just next to them, matching the thread to the background fabric color.

I like to let the machine make the straight lines from the shapes to the outer edges, stopping and turning, returning to the inner spaces, not going off the edge.

And I may add angles and extensions from the fused shapes, whatever suits my fancy. It doesn't take very long to quilt a small work like this, and when you are done quilting, the work is finished, except for your signature!
For my signature I find a nice quiet place to put it, and I use my darning foot and drop my feed dogs to write my name, free motion.
And then the quilt is finished and ready to apply the rod pocket or loops on the back for hanging.
QAWM 2012 Sample: Small Fused Art Quilt, 12x14", hand dyed cottons, fused, and machine quilted.
PS Pinned Image Overlapping shapes, and DOTS!!


  1. Anonymous5:17 PM

    You write very good instructions, Melody! The accompanying photos are good too. I love the quilt with thousands of the teeny, tiny strips on it (it's on my Pinterest page!) and I'd like to try that idea. Just took a rug braiding class though and need to finish that project first. Thanks so very much!

  2. Florence Stroup5:39 PM

    I was so upset about your computer, my daughter was about to hop a plane (we are in CA)and come out there and try to fix it.

    Thanks for doing this. it just what I need to get going again.


  3. Thanks for sharing your techniques, Melody! I really love this piece, and all the other quilts you have done this way. You make it very easy to follow, and I just have to try one very soon!

  4. I'm running out to get me some Hobbs 80/20 just as soon as I can to try your method. I'm so excited!

  5. Anonymous11:09 AM

    Hi melody, thanks for sharing this with us. I've been sorting through my fabric and notice that all my block colours are pinks, purples, mauves and blues rather than the vibrant yellows, oranges, greens and turquoises that you use. I also have a lot of patterned fabrics, but i notice you always seem to use your trade-mark solid colours.
    I think this is the reason your work has the 'wow' factor. Do you ever use more pastel colours or patterns? I think i need to rethink - colour and the way colours are put together is definitely going to be my starting point from now on. Many thanks for helping me see the light.

  6. Anonymous4:40 PM

    Love your blog. You have to check out It will blow you away with the colored parquet floors. Reminded me so much of you!
    Long time no see,

  7. I am anxious to create a piece. I just got all the fusible on the fabric today.

    Are you cutting your pieces with scissors or a rotary cutter?

    Have you ever used black or white in your pieces? Just curious.

  8. Celeste Wegner11:24 PM

    You have inspired me to finish my 2nd fusible project -a small botanical wreath - I'm 1/2 done and was planning to copy your escape hatch backing idea when I realized that I needed to "ground" my quilt like you mentioned so definitely want to put on a contrasting binding edge on this quilt using one of the colors from the wreath. But I hate doing this because it's never exactly neat on the back (stitch in the ditch, etc.) Seems I saw an easy way in one of your blogs--making your own binding strip and neat stitching. Do you have that link?)

  9. Love your work.

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  11. Anonymous5:04 PM

    I just discovered your site - it is so inspiring. I love it!!


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com