Connected Nine Patch
Connected Nine Patch
Hand dyed cottons, fused, machine quilted. 28.75 x 21" $250 Email Me
Hand dyed cottons, fused, machine quilted. 28.75 x 21" $250 Email Me
A couple of days (week?) ago a reader suggested that I should make a disappearing nine patch quilt. I didn't know what that was and had to find one. I did come across a blog that had a tutorial, but I didn't get that must make it feeling. So looking at this design, I am thinking the nine patches could qualify as disappearing to some extent, especially if you don't know what they are supposed to be.
Don't think I haven't noticed the predominance of primaries in my work this month. When the fabric is out, and gets put away, it still is on the top of the pile when starting up again. I'll have to find a way to put it away under the stack.
Don't think I haven't noticed the predominance of primaries in my work this month. When the fabric is out, and gets put away, it still is on the top of the pile when starting up again. I'll have to find a way to put it away under the stack.
Any chance of a tutorial on your piecing techniques for these smashing new pieces?
ReplyDeleteThis quilt is the granddaughters would just love it.
ReplyDeleteGreat quilting on this piece! Especially the quilting pattern that forms a nine-patch in the large blue rectangle. And the changes in scale are wonderful; they're in the both dark and the light pieces. Love it!
ReplyDelete-Connie in AL
Your works are really striking... I have no problem seeing the past things you've done or the batch using the same color scheme, it just makes the idea of belonging to one big collection...
ReplyDeleteHope you can think about the tutorial thing cause that can really be quite interesting :>
Love the design. Which blog had the tutorial? Thanks, Lauren in MI
ReplyDeleteAnd the problem with the "predominance of primaries" in your recent quilts is....? I am so inspired by your work!
ReplyDeleteThis quilt is absolutely amazing.
ReplyDeleteI love it.
I love how the block on the upper right looks as if it's taking off, into the red red sky.
ReplyDeletesome advice needed:
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Can anyonegive me a good recommendation of where is the bestdeal on these? I live in Newark and I heard that the big thing about these [url=][b]tv stands[/b][/url] is the cost of shipping and installation.
I also found this great article about wiring your entertainment center:
[url=][img]  [/img][/url]