Thursday, August 13, 2009

Second Try: I hope these are all visible...

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  1. I see pix! Lovely pink water lilies, and yummy delicious special editions!

  2. Oh, yay!! Pictures! Gorgeous fabric... will you be keeping it all for yourself? ;0)

  3. You haven't lost your magic touch for dyeing fabric. Beautious!!

  4. Wow! What a wonderful color hit and those reds are amazing. I would have a hard time making that first cut. Reminds me of Dan George in Little Big Man holding up his sugar candy and saying, "it's not for eating, it's only for looking through."

  5. Thanks for fixing the pictures. I can see them now and they are absolutly beautiful!

  6. Anonymous9:15 AM

    Beautiful! Thanks for reposting the pics!

  7. Yes, they're visible, and very yummy! I can't imagine cutting into them. Thanks for re-posting.

  8. Yes, they're visible, and very yummy! I can't imagine cutting into them. Thanks for re-posting.

  9. Brige3:41 AM

    Mel - How did the foam work out for you? Did they stain badly?

  10. Bridge, the foam works perfectly and is stain free, because I let the fabric dry on them. The drying pulls all the dye back into the fabric and nothing is left but outlines on the foam. Easy to wash off. Procion dyes do not dye styrofoam.


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