Thursday, August 21, 2008

Double Happiness

Double Happiness
oil on canvas panel 6x6"
Click here to bid

Isn't Double Happiness something you order from a Chinese menu? Maybe it's the Olympics that suggests this title. These plums look like they are a couple to me. All the fruits I've been painting seem so sensuous that romance comes to mind. Perhaps this image should be on a Valentine card. I've plummed the depths of my heart in search for you...O boy!

Tea and Me

Tea and Me
oil on canvas panel 6x6"
click here to bid
It's a two painting Thursday!
This little one-cup teapot came with it's own cup which it sits upon, but is not pictured here. Instead, we have a reflection of the artist at work. I was wearing a hot pink t-shirt which accounts for the bright pink highlights in the teapot's surface. At first I didn't realize it was my arm that kept appearing in the blue, but when I put my brush down it disappeared.
This was my clue that I was in the picture.

And one more mystery solved...
where did this red teapot painting end up? Here's the answer.


  1. Love the plums - ying and yang, they belong together.

  2. Anonymous7:36 AM

    Melody - that is such a great story about the teapot and it is such fun seeing where your paintings end up. I know you are having fun painting, but do you think you will ever get back to quilting again?

  3. Will I ever get back to quilting again? Who knows what the future will bring.
    I can say this: Painting does not seem like work and quilting...well, after 27 years, I guess I did what I wanted to do all those years and have a garage full of quilts to prove it. Wanna come over and get some?

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. Mel,

    I just love that apricot background, especially with the cool colors in the foreground, like the plums, and the blue teapot of the other day. Sooo luscious!!

    I don't comment every day but it is a joy to see your new painting(s) each day! Thanks for sharing.

    Kristin in SC

  6. Anonymous5:44 PM

    I would love to come over and get some of your quilts! Oh, if only I lived closer. If you still lived in Illinois I would be able to - I still have six pieces (three yards each) of your fabulous dyed fabrics that I picked up at local quilt shows - I love to look at them, can't bear to cut them up! I do love your paintings too!

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So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com