Tuesday, October 23, 2007


Well I finally qualified as a popular kid in high school.

This is the first time ever that we have been TP'd. I found at least five rolls worth at the end of our driveway. How did we rate this treatment? Was it a mistake? I guess. I was just about to clean it up when the rains came. We are thankful to have them, and they continued all night, complete with our first power outtage, lasting two minutes.

Even happier are the ducks with new clean water to swim in their pond. The fish are even happier, jumping about like frogs.

Whatever it was that is bringing out the deer, we are now seeing them on a daily basis. I must have 200 blurry shots, and ones where they are so blended into the forest that they are unseeable. Last night we saw a couple, one brown as usual and the other was bright white with patches of brown, like a Springer Spaniel dog. We had to look for a long time to make sure it was really a deer. They were both pretty small, and young. The drought that everyone is worried about seems to be on its way out, but it will take many more nights of constant rain to be certain.

I am working on another piece, inspired by the autumn colors. I am amazed at the size of the oak leaves that are falling these days. Monstrous.

As the sun sets we sit on the porch serenaded by the wind chimes and sip our wine, wishing you could all be here with us.


  1. Wonderful pictures. The deer especially is so good. And of course, I love to see the dux. Congratulations on finally succeeding at most popular.

  2. Anonymous11:44 AM

    Well, I think you are getting your wish re: rain. Looks like you are going to get a good soaking the next couple of days. Now, if we could just find a way to send the same to the west coast and Oz.....

    Next time you get to the "country store" pick up some trace mineral blocks and salt blocks. Put them out in strategic places and you will have deer all winter!!


  3. Anonymous2:46 PM

    just so you know, if you mention to anyone down here you got TP'd they will look at you strangely... they call it "rolling" - which to me sounds much more strange! ;)

    still raining like crazy over here in Nashville...

  4. Wow - what a beautiful setting you hae - both inside and outside. Even the TP looks pretty!

  5. Anonymous4:18 PM

    Lovely pics, Mel. FYI: in Tennessee the deer are considerably smaller than in Wisconsin or Illinois. It's just the way they are. Also, the reason you are seeing them now is that it's the start of the mating season, called the "rut", so they are out scoutin' all day instead of just coming out in the evening.

  6. Oh we are there with you, thanks to your blog.

    Now pass the wine, will ya?!


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