I am not really an insomniac, but there are nights when I wake up and start thinking of what I should be doing and before you know it, I am in a hurry to start my day. At 2:30am. Not a good idea. This time I decided to just sneak down to the studio and grab my sketchbook and get back in bed and doodle a bit.
I can do this because Dave is asleep in the guestroom. NO, I didn't kick him out of bed. He is having sleep problems, mostly vivid dreams and jerking limbs and he knows he is keeping me awake, so he voluntarily moved to the other room. We are still madly in love, never fear.
So I started these drawings and worked out some ideas and thought I would use them as illustrations for the disconnected thoughts and things that are happening around here. The drought is over. The art drought and the rain drought. We have had so many years in a row of drought that I was beginning to think that July and August were burn out months. Not so this year. The grass is lush and constantly needing mowing, as though it were May. The dew covers everything in the mornings and we have dew puddles on our deck.
The art drought, although unrelated, is also over. I have six quilts in need of finishing, and more ideas that need to be created in fabric. I didn't know I was having an art drought, but looking at my output from April to August, I guess I have not had a problem making new stuff. The painting is still sitting there waiting to be finished, but hey, that is a distraction from the main art I need to make. Having my sister here, and watching her make stuff, motivated me and clarified my thinking. Difficult to explain, but seeing her follow my directions helped me to understand what I ought to be doing.
The cruciforms are still hovering around in my drawings and will appear in the work again soon.
We have an oppossum family living under our deck. I saw them the other night. Four little babies being carried on Mom's back. In the past we have had racoons take up residence too. There are foxes and deer invading our yard and we don't even live in the real country. This past week when we visited Wisconsin we saw two rascally fawns in the road and they bounded up the hill as we slowed down. Earlier two large herons crossed in front of our car, slowly meandering along, as though they were just pedestrians on a stroll.
The abundance of life is pretty amazing...I await the armloads of surplus tomatoes, cucumbers and zucchini from gardeners who underestimated this summer's crop.
Some of Dave's symptoms sound suspiciously like those of sleep apnea. If he snores, maybe he should get a sleep study done. I had all those symptoms and a cpap fixed me right up. Not trying to be nosy...
ReplyDeleteI love Brooke's new picture!
ReplyDeleteWhat have they been doing with their scraps?