Tuesday, July 11, 2006

The LIST Worked!
I am so happy to report that (all of us) making a list did the trick and we ACCOMPLISHED things. It made for a great day, including time to make this healthy-ish and delicious lunch.

Zucchini fritatta
Shred three zucchinis, shred some cheese, chop some previously roasted peppers, slice some cooked bacon, tear in a few fresh basil leaves, and sautee the whole bunch (not the cheese!) till reduced to a managable size. The zucchini practically melts into nothingness.
Then whip 6 eggs and pour into pan, add the cheese on top and pop in a preheated 375 degree oven until golden and EAT! Yum.
I started planning my new workshop exercises in the night, instead of sleeping. I should have gotten up and written down all my ideas, since they seemed so superb at that time, and now are mere wisps of air. It should come as no surprise that I waited til now to do this plan. Nothing really gets done until one sees the deadline approaching. I may have a the general outlines of the plan, but the nitty gritty, the actual first steps that will get the class started, that develops in the last moments.
As a teacher I am torn between wanting to give my students all the necessary freedom to develop their designs, and the other end of it...a structure which will give them the confidence to know they are doing things 'correctly'.
We all know intellectually that there is no correct way to make art, but as adults, especially as adult women, we somehow need to follow the rules, obey the 'authority', listen to the guidelines, etc.
O how I wish there were perfect rules that would result in the wonderful art we all want to make...
And if there were, what fun would that be? No chance, no risk, no discovery, no AHA! Now I have it! moments.
So my list today involves making that other list of options for my workshop, washing and ironing dyed fabrics and maybe a little sample or two...


  1. Maybe you need to develop an advanced class for those with confidence who want to have the Mrs Mel experience again. (I wonder who that could be?)

  2. WOW. That frittata looks delicious!!


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