Thursday, March 24, 2005

Bodacious Bloomers

Bodacious Bloomers Workshop Sample
I had so much fun at the Sussex WI Common Threads quilt guild yesterday. They are a great bunch of gals. They started the meeting with a joke that really set the tone for the day and when you start with a big belly laugh you know fun is a foot.
High spirits were necessary because the meeting place was experiencing heating problems, like NO HEAT and just cool air blowing into the room, so I found myself teaching in my coat, with a borrowed head scarf ( hand knit of course!) and we all just plowed on like troopers. It reminded me of my teaching experiences in New Zealand where I was always underdressed for the unheated Spring school rooms. I also taught with borrowed sweaters and hats, and quickly knitted a shawl to cover my bones. Ah, the glamourous life of an itinerant quilt teacher.
I promised the gals that I would post the sample quilt, since it is currently not in my possession. Fons and Porter have it for their TV show. They will feature an episode where they will make this quilt, and then show mine as the 'finished product' even though it isn't quilted yet. I think they also have a finished one. It seems that there are at least three of these quilts floating around the ether, and hopefully I will have them all back in time for my next attempt to teach this workshop.
I'll let you know when the show 'starring' my quilts will air.

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So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com