Wednesday, October 05, 2011

Pug Party

Dave's sister Carol found this birthday card and for some reason thought of us. Could there possibly be a more perfect illustration of our fave way of celebrating?

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  1. I think the boys need a girlfriend, don't you? A little pugette?

  2. OK, I nearly spit my iced coffee out over this one.

  3. Anonymous6:31 PM

    Tres cute!

  4. LOL! This is more like it - Pugs in hats!!! At first I thought the guys had got themselves a loose floozy with a liking for pink diamond encrusted collars!!
    I want to come to the next party, I can bring my own hat!!

  5. love the puggly wugglies!
    I'm going to layer a quickie baby quilt tomorrow morning and then want to do rows of quilting (straight line channel quilting, not necessary marked. All lines in the same direction. Do I alternate the rows, or quilt them all in the same direction?

  6. Robbi1:43 PM

    Do they have one of pugs playing poker?

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