Friday, December 08, 2006

Studying Sylvia

Three Amigos by Sylvia Megerdichian
I found this artist last year and then lost her name, and yesterday found her again, to my great delight. Her style is so appealing, and if I were to get the urge to paint representationally, I know this is the direction I would want to take.
Well then, why wait?
I happen to have the necessary water color pencils, caran d'ache watercolor crayons and two pears and an apple. The website said that her mixed media pieces used these supplies.

So I printed out some examples and set up my still life and began with a sketch on canvas taped to a plexiglass support.
Two Pears and an Apple
12"square watermedia on canvas
I used only the watercolor crayons and watercolor pencils, no other paint, just water.

I impressed myself! I have always wanted to paint like this. I stopped myself from gooping it up.
But that like took only minutes, and I was hot for more, so I taped another sheet of primed canvas and proceed to attack another version.

Canvas #2 with acrylic and prismacolor pencils (12"square)

Not quite as lovely as Sylvia's, and much more like Wayne Thiebaud's work. Nothing wrong with that, but not my intention. O well I will not give up. Perhaps working on paper would give the right surface for the results I seek.


  1. OMG...what is it that you say?

    # 2 is "FAB-U"

    I need shapes, things that I "know what they are"...ok, representational painting...too many words.

    I want this!


  2. Anonymous6:43 AM

    Definitely more like Thiebaud. Why don't you study Thiebaud instead? Is he worthy?

  3. I love Wayne Thiebaud's work, but he is tighter than I would like to be, which is why I am studying Sylvia's style, in search of a looser look.

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  5. I love these. We are off to Chicago and will be missing you. Paint away. xx oo

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  9. Anonymous5:37 PM

    Hours later...just found some time to visit Sylvia's site....wonderful works and yes, definitely more your style there. Remember the painting you did of your friends on the beach? Same same.

  10. Anonymous9:47 AM

    Mel, I have been so excited watching you paint. I receive the greatest positive energy when viewing the abstracts. I even hauled out a watercolor block and went to it with acrylics and a sketch from my "future quilts" book. You continue to inspire me since the first day we met.


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com