Saturday, September 03, 2005

I can't blog today

The news is too depressing and it seems incongruent to be my cheery self for a few days.


  1. That's why you have to be cheery. Cheer is what the world needs right now; that and food, shelter, and the basics of life. I have an idea for all those socks you have been knitting too. (33 pairs?)

  2. Take heart! laura c-w's sister is alive and well after 5 days of hell and not hearing from her. Let's assume there are other people who have also been rescued and will turn up against all odds.
    I have never been a believer in miracles, but they do happen from time to time.

  3. I understand. Yesterday, I won my first ever purple ribbon and monetary award for my fish quilt at the Marin Quilt show and I couldn't do the happy dance. I donated the whole amount to the red cross. Now Steve and I are heading to Lake Tahoe for a few days to celbrate our 41st anniversary and that seems so decadent in light of the situation in the south.

  4. Well if the rescue of Fats Domino yestersday doesn't at least provide momentary cheer, nothing will, because if you where thinking like I was, I thought he was long ago dead. hangeth in, Melody!

  5. Anonymous9:28 PM

    *hugs* Mrs Mel. Take a break. This whole Katrina thing, all the discussion around it, is just so completely overwhelming. Take some time to be good to yourself, ok? We all have to do what we can when we can- and tha includes resting and processing so we can go on.

  6. Anonymous7:38 AM


    God's still in control, even when we don't see it.



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