Tuesday, September 06, 2005


I am over the moon with my new printer, my new regime and my newly finished quilt, woowoo!

For my new pattern cover I shot really high resolution digital pictures of Fucshias and arranged them two to a page with the pattern title and the pattern blurb and printed them out on HP Bright White Paper on my new printer.

The cover set up used to be quite a big deal. First there would be the photo shoot with print film and then the developing and then the fitting the picture to the pattern layout and then taking them to the copy place and having them color copied. Lots of time and more expense each time I visited the shop.

But today I did it all on my little laptop with my little printer by my side and the results look every bit as good as the others that went from print film to color copies. You can even see the stitching! La dee dah, la DEE dah! Not on the blog you can't, but on the pattern cover you can.

I will make two covers from one page

Too bad Blogger takes the resolution down so low. I want to see a clear and perfect picture everytime. Grrr. Anyway, now all I have to do is take the full size drawing to the printer and it is ready.

And tomorrow I can start on my next quilt. I have plans! And a structure to fulfill those plans.

I think this calls for Champagne!


  1. Anonymous7:54 PM

    Absolutely this calls for Champagne!!! Oh, and remind me next week (after the charity auction is over and my brain is functioning again) to tell you about Ferry Beach- you have a whole new set of fans and they will be checking out Laura, Frieda and Robbi's books....)


  2. Love the fuschias! And glad the new printer AND the new regime worked out well today. Amazing what a productive, quiet day can do to return one to one's usual cheerful self, huh?

  3. By the way, I meant to say how much I like your background on this--using chunks of fabric to create those different blocks really looks great.


So nice of you to drop by. I love your comments, and if you would really like a reply, please email me at fibermania at g mail dot com