Saturday, February 28, 2009
Look what I got in the mail yesterday. All the dyes I have listed in The Lazy Dyer. They were a gift from a lovely reader who bought them and never got a Roundtoit. I am the lucky recipient.
This is going to mean a big experiment.
Since I am planning on teaching dyeing at the Stone Light Shop I went out there and got three yards each of their PFD fabrics, and three gallons of their water.
Yes. I went to get their water.
Water makes all the difference and I want to know what their water does with these dyes. If it is too hard I will have to buy some special chemicals to alter the ph. Not just Calgon as I learned recently.
And I also picked up the rest of the stuff I will need to dye some fabric today.All of this will be dedicated to dyeing only, nothing from my kitchen utensils. I will use the water from the shop for soaking solution, and mixing the dyes. I'll post the results.
And then I got these from Tommy for updating her blog. I am still dinkin' with it, but it looks more like Tommy these days. Thanks Tommy!
Friday, February 27, 2009
It may be still be February where you are, but here at the Mexican Chalet, it is Gardentime!
OK these are forced daffodils, but the ones in my garden are about to open. I would show you, but it is raining cats and dogs which is a good thing since I spent my energies outdoors yesterday and rain equals enforced rest.
Garden Report:
The peonies I planted last year are surfacing with red leaf buds. A few have not made it and I will have to augment them with live plants in a few months, so as not to have holes in the peony wall.
In the fall I bought a big pot of hydrangea and I checked to see if it made it through the winter. Huge green buds at the base of the wood. Woowoo! This will be the biggest hydrangea in our yard...wherever I can find a good spot to put it.
The Clematis all have tiny leaves already, or leaf buds if I have previously removed old wood.
The thyme is green.
Iris and Daylilies are up and green and many more than last year.
Tulips are visible, one inch or more.
Dave spent hours picking up dead branches and twigs, which is a job that never ends. During the winter about four trees came down and they will have to be sawed into moveable chunks. One just missed our above ground water pump. One must be vigilant with these trees, or disaster could occur.
I cut back some liriope and uncovered space for new shoots. The old blades went onto my Lasagna Gardening spot. I added straw, leaves and soil from old planters and it is getting lots of rain now. I plan on making it grow something this year.
So for today I will rest the muscles and reevaluate my plan to make a quilt a day...
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
Monday, February 23, 2009
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Saturday, February 21, 2009
So there we are. I am back at work, and loving the new studio. I finally found a spot here where I could get non-staticky reception on my fm-stereo. So important. And I see that my next big project is finding an electrician who will come out to the boonies and get rid of my stinkin' wall sconces and install ceiling lights, perhaps track lighting and some artful ceiling fans. These Victorian puppies have got to go.
Friday, February 20, 2009
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Woody Allen
Tuesday, February 17, 2009
1. Cut two fabrics exactly the same sized square. 2. Fold in half and finger press. Open and fold in half the other way, finger press.
3. See the quadrant folds? 4. I used a Sharpie marker to make diagonals and then realized I was doing this wrong. The dotted lines are wrong. The solid lines are correct. Confused? Sorry.
8. Cut the triangles away between the stitch lines and then cut the remaining square diagonally twice, resulting in 8 half square triangles.