Friday, December 31, 2010

Cleaning Results

I have to start cleaning in the kitchen of course, despite my aim to clean my studio. I was almost done in an hour, but then I decided to REALLY clean and that extended my time in there for two more hours. Just as I was finishing I spilled a container of poppy seeds all over the clean counter. Grrr.
Part of my motivation is watching House Hunters and Designed to Sell on HGTV. Why fix up a house perfectly just before selling when you could actually live in that nice decor? I'm trying.

If I were selling this house, I imagine the kitchen would have to look like this ALL THE TIME, which is not realistic. We don't have a dishwasher, so there are always dishes sitting out on the drainer, so getting it cleared off is so refreshing. I hate the look of that stove but it works, so I can't justify replacing it. If we were selling, we would.

After this was finished I tackled my room while Dave was doing the same in his room.
We both decided to move furniture and rearrange everything. He has all sorts of guitar stuff in his room, with microphones, speakers, amplifiers, and wires everywhere. I am so glad I didn't have to help him.

This is before...

When we recently had the bubble tub room painted, I moved all these books into the bedroom and that looked nice enough for a while but it got tighter and tighter when I brought the white chair and ottoman in, and finally today I decided the books had to go back into the bubble tub room. Before I did the move, the floors had to be washed and other stuff removed. It was lots of sweaty work but I am so glad I did it.

 Now I have an empty wall, which calls for a new work, either quilt or painting. Plenty of room to walk around without bumping into things and a good spot to read or knit while watching TV.
My room has French doors, and another door to the bathroom, plus an opening for the bubble tub room. Three windows take up more wall space, so I squeeze in artwork where and when I can. The chest of drawers fits in the corner behind one of the French doors, which is usually closed. I switch the TV to the right position for watching, depending on if it is the chair or the bed that I am in.
 Now that I've moved the chair I have easier access to both sides of the bed, which since Chumley hogs the bed, I have to find one side or the other to climb aboard.
Once the bedroom was finished, we had a nice lunch which pretty much finished me for the day. I plopped into the hot tub and then my pj's, even tho it was only 3ish. Then Saturday...the STUDIO.

Getting a Round Toit

I woke with an overwhelming urge to clear the decks and "Today's the Day"-ness. There has been a lot of bringing in and not much in the way of putting away or tossing out, not to mention the buildup of dust, Popeye debris and puppy toys everywhere.
And then there's the studio. Ugh. Who can be creative when the stuff from my last bout of creativity is spread from here to Kingdom Come?

But where to begin?
1. Put it away.
2. Throw it away
3. Clean it up
Those three steps have always worked for me. Beginning small, just putting away the shoes, which are everywhere. No one puts on the previous day's shoes, we go get another pair, until there are no shoes left in the closet. And coats, hats and gloves.
One room at a time, clearing and cleaning down to the bones. Surprisingly it takes very little time. In fact a timer makes it seem like a game. 10 minutes here, 30 minutes there and in a few hours the entire house is cleaned up.
Except for the studio. I seem to have more stuff than room in the closet, which means a trip to the warehouse garage in search of empty Rubbermaids. I know they are there, just waiting.

4. Have a goal. It helps to have a before picture like this one.

When I was at the quilt shop Wednesday, one of the gals said that whatever one does on New Year's Day signals the way one will spend the new year. Folk tale? Maybe, but what an instigation for getting ready to have a fresh start.
In that case I will not be starting the new year with a hangover, or last year's messes.
Here's to the last of 2010, and the beginning of a wonderfully creative and colorful 2011!

Thursday, December 30, 2010


So much has happened since last we spoke...Wednesday at knitting Marbeth Owen (not pictured-Where was my camera?) and I celebrated our birthdays together and surprised the group with homemade tamales, Dunkin donuts and then others brought lots of cookies. It was a great way to have a birthday without having to clean house or send invitations. We do eventually get down to knitting, whenever there's a lull.

My friend Judy showed off her Koigu Turkish Bed Socks, which are for wearing with clogs, making more sense, since she is not Turkish in the least. Marie was deaccessioning and I became the new owner of this fluffy silver yarn, plus the recently dyed wool from our dye workshop.
 Then Irene gave me this juicy tell-all book about someone named Angelina, who loves tattoos, and Deidre gave me this magazine which I am happy to take and knit something from.  These were 'not necessarily' birthday gifts, but I am taking them to be anyway.  Then I found myself inexplicably on my way to Sew Be It, the yarn/quilt shop in Ringgold GA.

I was in search of charm packs but went for fat quarters which I can cut up myself. And just as I was checking out, I found a jelly roll of Jane Sassaman fabrics, and of course I could NOT pass those up. I am getting ready for the annual Quilt Along with Melody in February, and that's my excuse.
 A few days ago I ordered these yo-yos from and they came in the mail yesterday. I plan to incorporate them into something...obviously. You know when you just have to have something and you don't have a plan? I am the queen of that.
  We interrupt this giftalogue for a look at some scrappy triangles.  These are leftovers from something that I made last February and now feel the urge to use. I have a bag of triangles just waiting to become more like this. When I made my recent patchwork pillow, I felt very happy, content to be sewing and so satisfied with the result and want that feeling again.

Also in the mail were these two delicious batik pieces from my friend Edith who just returned from a trip to Kyoto and Taipei. Am I the lucky duck or what? Quack!

 And the Soho publishing company sent me this book, just cuz,  and it has quilts from my famous pals and former students who are now also famous because of their wonderful art.
 Two cards one from my sister in law and the other from Frieda Anderson. I guess I am officially now a pug person. Aren't they funny?

What a day I had. I will be basking in my riches, in friends and goodies, into the new year. I am so thankful.

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Movie Marathon

It has been MOVIE time at our house and with our new dvd player that gets Netflix online, we have a bunch of instantly watchable movies at our fingertips. Not all of them are great. However, for my birthday I decided to watch all the British films on my list, since I love a period piece film. That plan went awry after the first one.
The story of the 'torrid' romance (no sex, we're above all that) between Fannie Brawne and John Keats, the young poet. It's a sad tearjerker with no suspense since you already know the guy dies at 25. But I loved the costumes and the scenery, which is usually half of what I love about British films.

Then Dave decided to watch with me, so I had to switch out of British mode to something more contemporary, and here we have Shrink with Kevin Spacey. Everyone is miserable and yet we are interested in how they work it all out. Happy ending, so it was worth the time. Not a ringing endorsement but Spacey is always great.
I wish everyone in the movie had eventually shaved. But you can't have everything.

The best movie of the day was The Extra Man with Kevin Kline. Big laughs and totally unpredictable story line. Just darling.
This one uses Kline to the utmost, a real gem. Several memorable lines are heard and I am sure will be reused around here on a daily basis.

On a totally different note, last week we watched the hugely popular Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. Subtitles really helped this intricate plot. It was so spellbinding, gruesome and such a good mystery. I loved it, and will soon be watching the second in the series,The Girl who Played with Fire,  also available direct to my dvd player.

The last Brit film was also quite enjoyable, Easy Virtue. I was surprised to see it was a Noel Coward play, originally, and adapted to the screen. The estate was part of the starring cast and everyone was fabulous in it.
Costumes, interiors, landscapes, had it all. And funny too.

So I did have a wonderful birthday, and thanks to all who emailed and commented.
I love you!!!

Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Born on this day. . .

Denzel Washington, Maggie Smith,
  Gayle King, BFF of Oprah,
image my mother, and my cousin Celeste (no picture, sorry)

 my knitting friend Marbeth (holding the package)

Me, knitwear model.
 Pretty in Pink and 63 years old today. I should make myself one of these scarves...doncha think?
I am happy to say I am healthy, wealthy and wise today, and have had a great year with lots of interesting ups and downs.

Who can forget Dave's accident? Quickly followed by the new puppy...

to make everyone feel better.
I am not blowing out any candles today, too much of a fire risk, but will just be lazy and count my blessings. It's been a pretty darn good year.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Walking with Chumley

Dave weathered the windy cold along with the Chumster to take a movie of his decorations. Chumley enjoys a run in the snow and stops to eat a little along the way. Love that snow beard near the end.

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Merry Christmas Wishes to YOU

We woke up to a white Christmas, and it continues to snow in the most beautiful way. We will be staying home to day and celebrating with my sister's family tomorrow. It was our plan once we heard the snowy weather would be heading our way. The street is clear but may get icy, so it's nice not to have to drive.

It's very toasty indoors. Our house is heated by two gas fireplaces, and they really do the trick. Plus I have been baking like crazy and the stove has me removing layers, as I employ quality control on the mounting cookies.

 Everyone is chummy as long as they are eating enough, and believe me they are. The little porkers...
I hope you get where you need to go safely today and have a wonderful time with family and friends, and if you are alone, my you enjoy the peace and quiet, which can be just as lovely.

My love to you and yours, and thanks for visiting all year long,