
Thursday, January 12, 2012

Quickie Cloths

Since we exchanged our big dining room table for our smaller roundy one, I had plans to use it to enhance our decor. That meant ordering fabric to make tablecloths. First I needed a felt pad to go underneath, so while I awaited the arrival of the fabrics, I got my felt from Hobby Lobby after knitting yesterday. And when I got home, my new fabric had arrived, so why wait another minute?
I have this cool instant compass, made from screw on cylinders with a pencil tip at one end and a stylus at the other. This makes it easy to mark big circles.

The felt pad needs no finishing, but the cloth needed serging and a fold over hem.

The whole process took less than 30 minutes and voila!
I have three more to make later today.
But this morning I am joining several friends from knitting at a Jazzercise class. Woowoo. We are meeting in Soddy Daisy, about 45 minutes from home.
Knees, don't stop me now!

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  1. Anonymous9:02 AM

    Hey Melody,

    Lovely tablecloth! How bout a picture of that stylus you mentioned? Thanks.

    Maggie in Arizona

  2. Mechelle9:51 AM

    ohh - I have a thingy like that seems I got it at Nancys Notions and they called it a ruler compass - it's GREAT for making BIG circles!

  3. Cool compass! I've made round tableclothes using a pin and pencil with string tied around it -I'm sure yours works alot better! I thought maybe you had made this, taping the pencil and stylus on, but I clicked on the photo for a close-up, and see that the ruler uses special instruments that have a slot to slide onto the ruler. Wherever did you get these? Thanks.

  4. I've used the string and pencil bit too. I love the patterns and colors of all the tablecloths!

  5. Knitting and jazzercise at the same time sounds like a challenge. Lol. Don't poke any eyes out with the needles.

  6. Where did you get the fab fabric?

  7. Love your round table cloth. Excellent. I also like the fabrics you have selected to make more. Be sure to post pictures. I love to see your progress.

  8. That's great fabric for your new tablecloth. Hmm, I think you need to put a vibrant orange vase in the center since so much of your work is accented by that lovely color. :-)

  9. An oldie but goodie tool! I love the 'yardstick compass' I guarded my 48" yardstick (we go the extra measure!!) just for the compass.

    The hardest part is remembering where I stuck the points in the 'necessary things' room!

    Cheers to new tablecloths
    doni @ Oregon coast


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