
Friday, January 13, 2012

Baktus Scarf #4

I love love love these yarns knit together, Malabrigo Silky Merino (a handdyed in Piedras) and Mini Mochi Merino, a handspun multicolor. So soft and so wonderful to knit.

This time I added little nubs at the end of the bottom, of just the Mochi. Simple addition: cast on two, turn, bind off two. The scarf is about 65" wide and can be wrapped around the neck twice and knotted. The V is about 12" deep.  OK I admit, I didn't measure it.

This photo shows it as reddish, but it is definitely not. You can knit this scarf from this pattern:
Or you can have this one for just the price of the yarn, $29. Email me. Sold

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  1. Fabulous! I'll bet it sold to the very first viewer...

  2. Shucks Melody! I really, really like that scarf. Don't you want to do 1 more?? The colors are beautiful.

  3. Ann, you left me no email to reply to you. If you want to email me with your color request, I will gladly make one for you.

  4. Another stunner. Your combination of these yarns with this pattern bring a smile at the end of a challenging work week. Thanks for sharing it with us!

  5. Just beautiful--I love it! BTW--I love, love, love the socks you made for me. I wear them all the time and they make me smile. Thanks again for them!

  6. I love the knobby things.. please tell me how you do them? Thanks.

  7. Oh my! This is an old post but I just stumbled on it from Pinnterest. I can't tell you how much I adore and desire this gorgeous scarf! Any chance of having you make one, at this late date?

  8. Do you remember the name of the Mochi colorway?

  9. Do you remember the name of the Mochi colorway?

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