
Thursday, January 20, 2011

No Internet

Dear Loyal Followers of Melody's blog,

This is her sister, Brooke.  Melody asked me to let you all know she is having technical difficulties.  Apparently, she and Dave were trying to get the speakers wired under the house ( I know this is familiar to you, if you've been following along) and although they can access their Netflix accounts and watch movies, they cannot get the internet up and running.

Hopefully, this will all get resolved by this weekend.  Hang in there.


  1. You must feel like a duck out of water!! Good luck with everything. Glad you can at least watch movies!!

  2. Brooke, thanks for letting us know! I was getting a bit worried about Melody...she normally isn't gone for this long. I was about to send someone out to look for her.... Jerilynn

  3. Oh PLEASE hurry with the wiring...I miss the Chumster!!!

  4. Thanks for letting us know. Her internet friends were a little concerned...and we miss Chumley!

  5. Anonymous12:22 PM

    hey Brooke

    thanks for update, now i am thinking about your project from some years back that i loved.... the gang of chicken pin cushions ] best wishes linda m in bc

  6. no internet is sometimes a blessing and a curse. Enjoy the downtime. Nice to get a message from Brooke though! Hi Girl!!

  7. O M G !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! This is a near catastrophe. How did we (I) get so totally addicted to an electronic service. Hopefully you are not as Verklemt (choking with tears) as I am.
    All kidding aside. Thanks Brooke for the heads up. I thought no blog entry was quite unusual. Good luck straightening out that snarl of wires.

  8. Anonymous3:18 PM

    Hi Brooke,
    I bet it's Popeye coming back to haunt Ms. Mel!


  9. DIY has its downfalls!! Hope you are back soon.

  10. Anonymous5:00 PM

    ~ Check the internet "filter" that is on your phone line. The darn things go bad all the time with just a little jolt.

    ~ Since pop's is gone, I see another Chumster of the K-9 variety in your near future!

    ~ You should check out this blog.

    Brige (who is too lazy to log into blogger)

  11. Thanks Brooke or letting us know. I too was concerned with no blog from Mel.

  12. Just forget the net while it's down, the break will do you good, and you'll have more to tell us later!

  13. Such a nice sister to have Mel's back.
    You always worry when a regular suddenly goes missing!

  14. Thanks for letting us know that Melanie is ok.

  15. Come on tell the truth, she is burried in popcorn, and curled up on the couch watching the entire series of Sopranos on Netflix!

  16. Melody,

    I'm glad you are okay. If the wires are still loose everywhere you might threaten to knit them. :o)

    When you get internet back go peek at

    I was browsing and of course thought of you right away when I saw it.

  17. Well, this speaks well for Netflix. I just watched "Inception." A very imaginative and creative movie. About 2 1/2 hours. Just right.

  18. Anonymous6:03 AM

    Brooke, if they have to have the Internet people out, they might check to see if there is some other problem because of the slow loading of the blog for the past week or so. It loaded fine when you posted.

  19. Brooke, tell Mel that we have the same setup... we have a cable from the box that provides Netflix that connects to my PC, then another cable goes from my PC to the router which connects to the modem... ain't technology fun? BTw, the box is by Dynex, and it has 5 ports... I think we got it at Best Buy or Office Max!

  20. Anonymous9:37 AM

    Thanks for the update, Brooke. I'll worry no more about "what happened to Melody?" and be excited when she is back.

  21. Anonymous2:18 PM

    Thanks Brooke for letings us know about the the breakdown. Please give Melody my sympathy on the lose of their cat. I have had many cats myself but none that lived that long.

  22. Anonymous8:30 AM

    Boo Hoo. I hope you get back online soon. I miss your posts. By the way, how did Brooke post on your account for you from her laptop. I am always amazed with what the internet can and (cannot sometimes!) do.

  23. Oh, my gosh Melody, you are *still* offline?!! Thank goodness Brooke let us know the problem or we'd all be worried. Or maybe we should worry that you've been taken over by cables! What a nightmare. Hope things get back in order soon!

  24. I'm starting to go through withdrawal! Hurry back!

  25. Anonymous2:52 PM

    Hi Melody,

    Oh I miss you so,please come back soon,what a cables!!

    Love Judith


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