
Wednesday, May 22, 2013


I know it sounds a bit bizarre,
But in Camelot, Camelot
That's how conditions are.
The rain may never fall till after sundown.
By eight, the morning fog must disappear.
In short, there's simply not
A more congenial spot
For happily-ever-aftering than here
In Camelot.

Bloomers of the day: Sage, a favorite perennial herb, which I love more now that I know about sautéing it in butter and adding it to butternut squash ravioli. Heavenly. Under the stems I have parsley, flatleaf and curly, and rosemary, which I have never grown before. Of course it was a potted plant, so I can't really take credit. If it lasts through the winter, then I'll take the prize.
The Knockout Rose is going nuts. Originally I planted it and four other little ones all a foot apart, stupidly. The rest didn't make it, but this one has made up for it.

Here's a baby picture of one of the five nasturtiums I put into the hanging pot of petunias and superbells. There will be cascading stems and orange/yellow/red blooms on those...I hope. Dave and the dawgs are about to have breakfast on the porch.

Chumley had the cereal bowl to lick, making him feel superior.

Dutch, Japanese or German Iris, I can't remember which, are blooming in the shade garden, and the hyacinth beans have sprouted in the deck planter, next to the Picasso Petunias. Green edged pink beauties.
Today we are hoping to hear from the boat store, whether they will buy the boat outright or put it on consignment. I am hoping for good news. Since it is an approaching holiday weekend, sales should be brisk and that boat is in spiffy condition, as Dave polished it all winter!
It started raining a little as I took this shot, and a droplet or two fell on my lens. Still, it shows the lushness of this season. We are so glad to have woodchips instead of grass here. No mowing and I can gradually expand my garden as needed. Ha!

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  1. Looks beautiful! I can't wait till my peonies start to bloom-my favorite. Or is it the lilies of the valley that just started?

  2. I love your little bit of heaven.

  3. After 30 years in Ohio, i'm a resident of the desert and finished with gardening, so I'm loving your spring gardening fever posts. Vicarious joy. Thanks.

  4. How pretty! Love your photos, Melody. Looks like we could step right in and join you.


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