
Tuesday, April 03, 2012

Ready for my Close-Up, Mrs. Mel

Mountain Bluet
Celandine Poppy
Hyacinth Bean Sprouts
This is the close-up of one seedling of the Hyacinth Bean. I am growing them in the flower box on the deck and have had Dave attach a nice big trellis. I intend to follow the progress as these five sprouts reach for the skies. The seeds are from last year's vines, which I saved effortlessly. I have lots of them, still, and am looking for more spots to grow these vines. They need a good deal of sun, and will be getting it where I planted them. So I look forward to tons of leaves and wonderful purple flowers.

 I am growing bunches of white and pink bleeding hearts, and allowing seedlings to take root whereever they show up. I will transplant them to the back of the garden, against the house since they seem to grow HUGE there. The plants stay nice well into the summer, and when the flowers go, the leaves are lovely.
Can you see the black bumblebee on the end of the flower stalk? Chester has seen him and wants to know more.
No wonder that pink is my new favorite color. These Dogwood blossoms are making me crave more of these Springtime beauties. I have white ones too, about five, but the pink are so fancy, and girly.
The white Azaleas make a big show and they are only two years old in the garden. There are two small bushes down by the mailbox too, and this year they are showing off blossoms better than ever. I have lots of white flowers ala Vita Sackville-West of Sissinghurst Castle garden fame. It's all in my head however. Here's a shot of Sissinghurst's white garden.white garden
Back to reality...The snowball bush is slightly green, but give it a couple of days and it will whiten up.
In the pond garden, the Iris Cristata multiplies year after year. A wild flower, I hesitate to divide it and find other homes for some of it. Add to that, spreading the poison ivy within its boundaries...
Candy Tuft, next to the iris has a good crop of poisin ivy too. I am ignoring it all.
Columbine buds
Basil Seedlings
The End...

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  1. Your gardens are just lovely - inspiring!

  2. Beautiful! Gotta love Spring.

  3. I know I can count on you for some beautiful spring gardening pictures. That is one of the things I look forward to this time of the year.....thanks!!!
    Martha Ginn

  4. Anonymous9:31 AM

    Your season seems to be about 3mths ahead of mine!!! Your garden is already in full bloom. I'd probably only see that if I had gone to the UK this year.....alas!

  5. I wish my tail would curl like that. Cheers for garden fever!

  6. Anonymous12:54 PM

    Love it, love it, love it!!!


  7. It's wonderful to see such beautiful garden photos. It keeps me going while waiting for the last snow to disappear and the sun to get warm. Won't be long!

  8. You have so much blooming! How about surrounding some of the poison ivy leaves with foil to protect the other plant then spraying with weed killer? It wouldn't be possible to dig it out.

  9. You are too funny! Love everything you do...keep it up.


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