
Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Pre-Frost Pics

April is the cruelest month, for sure. We have just gotten hard freeze warnings, going down to 23 degrees tonight and possibly tomorrow and Thursday night.
This means I will be be covering LOTS OF PLANTS today. And we just had our first bloom on the Knockout rose and the purple clematis opened up too.
As Colin Firth said in The King's Speech:
Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t, Sh*t.

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  1. Rats! Hope all goes well because everything looks so beautiful!

  2. Celeste Wegner1:22 PM

    Yes - April is cruel - thus the reason I haven't put ANYTHING out yet. Still cleaning up and pruning. Get out the bedsheets!!

  3. The same kind of nonsense is going on here. A warm March set buds blooming much too early and now everything is freezing. It's depressing.

  4. Some lovely, healthy looking plants. Hope you keep the frost off of them.

  5. Beautiful flowers. Here's hoping that you will be able to save them from the freeze. I hate when this happens.

  6. Oh, dear! I've already been looking forward to your posts every day to see what you have planted. Good luck on protecting these tender little jewels.
    Martha Ginn

  7. I was thinking I would cut my Tulips and Daffodils and bring them in where I could enjoy them, not lose them to the frost. I have a Lilac bush that buds every year, but the frost kills them before they can bloom, whether I cover the bush or not. So I have given up on trying to baby the bush... it keeps growing, just not blooming! Besides, the wind carries off whatever I try to cover with! Sheesh!

  8. Ann, I did so envy your warm weather, we are still getting wet, wet, wet. I hope you were able to save it all.

  9. That was suppose to be AHHH, not Ann. Typo.

  10. Kathy F2:59 PM

    Bummer. But you know, by the end of May, all the flowers will be out and the leaves in the trees filled out, and it will all be beautiful. Too bad the freeze only affects weeds instead of the "good" plants.


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