
Tuesday, February 07, 2012

QAWM: The New Work

 Altho I had all my sweet pastels ready to use, this design took me in another direction entirely.
What am I to do but follow along to see what develops?
 The sweet surprise for me was that the ferns fit together so nicely, without any planning on my part. I wish all quilt tops would fall into place so easily. It must have been my day.

I'm taking my time with these pieces and allowing myself some 'come back and look' space. It made a bit of a difference already with this top.
I added the thin strips at the top after dinner and got more pink into the composition, which I felt was just the right touch. A little pink never hurts.

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  1. Melody, you have such a creative talent! Thank you for all the inspiration you give to us. When I check my email in the morning, I can't wait to read your blog.

  2. The ferns are lovely and I agree with you on the pink. I especially like the pink with orange.

  3. Beautiful! So simple, yet totally captivating!

  4. Awesome, simply awesome! I have to get myself some hand dyed fabric so I can try this too!

  5. I love that the ferns are each different. It's beautiful. BTW, you've inspired me again. Yeaterday I printed all the pages for your dyeing technique then after stopping to get the printer ink refilled :) I went and got batting, new sharp scissors and Wonder Under. I have all the dyes and containers and fabric from a 2-3 years ago so I'm finally going to get the casita cleaned out and set up and I'm going to jump in!!! I'm so excited.

  6. I like it! So bright and cheery.

  7. Love the three ferns with their different techniques - keeps the viewer attention!!

  8. Anonymous5:44 PM

    Very nice! Have you talked about your pressing surface in another post? I am assuming that you use something firm and not squishy...

  9. Again and again I found that an artist doesn't really create, but allows the inner voice to create. To hell with plans.


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