
Monday, February 13, 2012

QAWM: In the Pink, assembled

 The first arrangement and then rearranged with spacer strips added. Since none of my blocks were the same size, I sort of had to wriggle them about and insert strips between each to fit everything together.
 I had one piece of fabric which faded  yellow-lime-green which helped unify the composition and make the blocks pop (I hate that overused term). Some blocks really changed a lot. The first block in the second row (below) got some much needed green and now it is much more exciting. If I had to pick a favorite block it would be the center one on the bottom row.
Now I plan to add one more round of borders, only to make it easier to finish off without bending the tiny strips at the edges. For this piece I intend to do straight line quilting and then face the whole thing afterwards. I will show the steps.

Chester is not ready to face the day just yet.

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  1. I've missed the daily dawgs. Good to see the little guy.

  2. So is this whole quilt fused too, or is it mostly fused, but partially pieced? Just wondering how you put those spacer strips in.

  3. Great quilt, I love the colour combo.

  4. Anonymous5:55 PM

    Yummy colors! Those were the colors of my dorm room for two years in college! My mother crocheted granny square afghans for my roommate and I and I painted a rocker in the same colors. The curtains were something bright too. We loved it....

  5. Love the transformation and rearrangement. Interesting to see how much that affected the quilt.

  6. I love the color combination! and the transformation through the green fabric you used for putting the blocks together is just stunning.

  7. So spring like. Wonderful.


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