
Friday, January 06, 2012

Re-Making this as QAYG

Part of my New Year's Resolutions included using what I already have made. So I got this top out of the closet and had a good look at it. Since it has been out of sight, and out of mind, I find myself totally in love with it again, even more than when I first made it.
And I want to use it on my bed.
 I joked about having a quilt for every month of the year, and now I don't think this is such a silly idea, since I am already half way there after 2011's output.
So this piece, called Crayons is about 61 by 75" and I need it to be wider and longer. I don't want to just add borders on the top and bottom to get that length because that wouldn't be in keeping with the design. And I definitely don't want to quilt it whole, since I know I don't have to.

So my plan is to unsew the sections and insert elements, or add elements to the top or bottom, or both, until I reach the desired length. Then I will quilt the sections individually, and join them with narrow connector strips which will automatically increase the width. Yup. That's my plan. my studio is all torn up again. This is partly my fault because I asked the guys to remove the destroyed-by-chewing-dawgs carpeting on the stairs going down to the studio. Dave ended up ripping out the previous owner's homemade steps and exposing the untiled floor. Now they have decided to make real stairs, not like the ones we had. In the meantime the ceiling painting is on hold, until they return from the lumber yard... I really can't get in their way or even supervise. Grrr. I know you feel my pain.


  1. Why is it that when the juices are beginning to flow, reality sticks an elbow to the ribs? I do feel your pain. Well, by the time you get to work on this one, your brain will have everything worked out. It's gonna be another great one!

  2. That is a great piece. I really want to QAYG in 2012. I have a couple of projects I need to get out of the way first. What you did with it has motivated me to try it!

  3. Sounds like you need to a good distraction....maybe some knitting....and a movie? "Mr. Blandings Builds His Dream House" w/ Cary Grant seems like it might be appropriate right now.

  4. I do feel your pain! I go into a panic if I can't use my room for even a bit.
    I love that quilt and am happy you've decided to finish it up. I like the idea of a quilt a month on the bed. The last quilt that I put on my bed is so bright that it makes me happy every time I look at it. Imagine a different one every month!

  5. So wonderful things you make!! All the colours and the way you use them. Very inspirering.

  6. This is very nice. It will be interesting to see how you transform it!

  7. Leigh5:33 PM

    take photos of the old and new steps please I love these before and after (and during photos)nearly as much as the quilt photo's!

  8. Oh Melody. This is a beautiful piece. I am so glad that you brought it out and are getting ready to finish it. I look forward to seeing your progress.

  9. I can see why you like this piece. It's beautiful! I feel your pain on not being able to work due to construction. For Christmas, my hubby gave me house wired track lights for over my cutting table and sewing machine along with a hydraulic lift for my long arm (yes, totally spoiled.) So for the week and a half of vacation I had at the end of the year, I couldn't even get into my sewing room as everything was being installed. It got done just in time for me to go back to work. Arggghhhh. But I love the result! Nearly as bright and cheerful as your space.

  10. Janet1:22 PM

    My goal for the last couple of years is a quilt for every month for our king bed. So far, just four are done. When I need a mental rest from fiber art pieces, I do a bed quilt. It's been fun!

  11. Men left unsupervised ??? I feel your pain.
    I love this piece and look forward to what you add to it.


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